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#> Warning: replacing previous import 'shinydashboard::dashboardPage' by
#> 'shinydashboardPlus::dashboardPage' when loading 'unhcrdatapackage'
#> Warning: replacing previous import 'shinydashboard::dashboardSidebar' by
#> 'shinydashboardPlus::dashboardSidebar' when loading 'unhcrdatapackage'
#> Warning: replacing previous import 'shinydashboard::box' by
#> 'shinydashboardPlus::box' when loading 'unhcrdatapackage'
#> Warning: replacing previous import 'shinydashboard::dashboardHeader' by
#> 'shinydashboardPlus::dashboardHeader' when loading 'unhcrdatapackage'
#> Warning: replacing previous import 'shinydashboard::taskItem' by
#> 'shinydashboardPlus::taskItem' when loading 'unhcrdatapackage'
#> Warning: replacing previous import 'shinydashboard::notificationItem' by
#> 'shinydashboardPlus::notificationItem' when loading 'unhcrdatapackage'
#> Warning: replacing previous import 'shinydashboard::messageItem' by
#> 'shinydashboardPlus::messageItem' when loading 'unhcrdatapackage'
#> Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'ggalt':
#>   method                  from   
#>   grid.draw.absoluteGrob  ggplot2
#>   grobHeight.absoluteGrob ggplot2
#>   grobWidth.absoluteGrob  ggplot2
#>   grobX.absoluteGrob      ggplot2
#>   grobY.absoluteGrob      ggplot2
#> Warning: replacing previous import 'shinydashboardPlus::box' by
#> 'shinydashboard::box' when loading 'unhcrdatapackage'

Below is the library with all Country Focused questions organised around the 7 key questions!

1. Category

Key Figures

plot_ctr_keyfig(year = 2022,
                country_asylum_iso3c = "COL")

Plot Tree Map of Categories

plot_ctr_treemap(year = 2021,
                            country_asylum_iso3c = "USA",
                            pop_type = c("REF", "ASY")

Plot Population Type Over Year

p <- plot_ctr_population_type_per_year(
                         year = 2022,
                         country_asylum_iso3c = "PAN",
                         lag = 5,
                         pop_type = c("REF", 
                                       "IDP" )

## Raw data can always be accessed with 
#knitr::kable(ggplot2::ggplot_build(p)$plot$data )

2. Origin

Plot Main country of origin in one specific country - Absolute value

plot_ctr_population_type_abs(year = 2020,
                    country_asylum_iso3c = "USA",
                    top_n_countries = 4,
                    pop_type = "REF",
                    show_diff_label = FALSE
#> Warning: There was 1 warning in `mutate()`.
#>  In argument: `origin_data_prot = forcats::fct_explicit_na(origin_data_prot,
#>   "Other nationalities")`.
#> Caused by warning:
#> ! `fct_explicit_na()` was deprecated in forcats 1.0.0.
#>  Please use `fct_na_value_to_level()` instead.
#>  The deprecated feature was likely used in the unhcrdatapackage package.
#>   Please report the issue at
#>   <>.

## Same with 9 top countries and Asylum-seekers included
plot_ctr_population_type_abs(year = 2020,
                    country_asylum_iso3c = "USA",
                    top_n_countries = 9,
                    pop_type = "ASY",
                    show_diff_label = TRUE

Plot Main country of origin in one specific country - Percentage

plot_ctr_population_type_perc(year = 2021,
                    country_asylum_iso3c = "BRA",
                    top_n_countries = 9,
                    pop_type = "REF"  ) 

plot_ctr_population_type_perc(year = 2021,
                    country_asylum_iso3c = "BRA",
                    top_n_countries = 9,
                    pop_type = "ASY"  ) 

Plot Increases and Decreases in Population Groups

plot_ctr_diff_in_pop_groups(year = 2022,
                            country_asylum_iso3c = "ROU",
                            pop_type = c("REF", "ASY")
#> Warning: Returning more (or less) than 1 row per `summarise()` group was deprecated in
#> dplyr 1.1.0.
#>  Please use `reframe()` instead.
#>  When switching from `summarise()` to `reframe()`, remember that `reframe()`
#>   always returns an ungrouped data frame and adjust accordingly.
#>  The deprecated feature was likely used in the unhcrdatapackage package.
#>   Please report the issue at
#>   <>.
#> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
#> Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
#> generated.

Plot Origin History

plot_ctr_origin_history(year = 2022,
                        lag = 5,
                        country_asylum_iso3c = "MEX",
                          pop_type = c("REF", 
                                       "IDP" ),
                        otherprop = .02)

3. Destination

Plot Main Destination from one specific country

plot_ctr_destination(year = 2021,
                     country_origin_iso3c = "COL",
                     pop_type = c("REF", "ASY")

plot recognition rate for a nationality

plot_ctr_origin_recognition(year = 2022,
                     country_origin_iso3c = "VEN",
                     top_n_countries = 10, 
                     measure = "RefugeeRecognitionRate",
                     order_by = "TotalDecided" )

4. Profile

Plot Age Pyramid

plot_ctr_pyramid(year = 2022,
                 country_asylum_iso3c = "COL",
                 pop_type = c("ASY", "REF")

Plot locations within countries

# plot_ctr_location(year = 2022,
#                  country_asylum_iso3c = "COL",
#                  pop_type = c("ASY", "REF", "OIP"))
# plot_ctr_location(year = 2021,
#                  country_asylum_iso3c = "COL",
#                  pop_type = c("IDP"))
# plot_ctr_location(year = 2022,
#                  country_asylum_iso3c = "CAN",
#                  pop_type = c("ASY", "REF", "OIP"))
# plot_ctr_location(year = 2021,
#                  country_asylum_iso3c = "MEX",
#                  pop_type = c("ASY", "REF", "OIP"))

5. Processing

Plot Refugee Recognition rate in Country

plot_ctr_recognition(year = 2022,
                     country_asylum_iso3c = "USA",
                     top_n_countries = 10, 
                     measure = "RefugeeRecognitionRate",
                     order_by = "TotalDecided" )

Asylum Applications & Decision over time

plot_ctr_asylum(year = 2022,
                country_asylum_iso3c = "ECU", 
                            lag = 10)
#> Joining with `by = join_by(Year, CountryAsylumCode)`

Asylum Processing

plot_ctr_process(year = 2022,   country_asylum_iso3c = "BOL")

plot_ctr_process(year = 2022,   country_asylum_iso3c = "CHL")

plot_ctr_process(year = 2022,   country_asylum_iso3c = "USA",
                              otherprop = .02)

plot_ctr_process(year = 2022,   country_asylum_iso3c = "USA",
                              otherprop = .04)

Average Asylum Processing Time

plot_ctr_processing_time(year = 2022,
                         country_asylum_iso3c = "ARG")
#> Joining with `by = join_by(Year, CountryAsylumCode)`

plot_ctr_processing_time(year = 2022,
                         country_asylum_iso3c = "USA")
#> Joining with `by = join_by(Year, CountryAsylumCode)`

## Display a filtered version of the chart for a specific country and procedure
plot_ctr_processing_time(year = 2022,
                         country_asylum_iso3c = "EGY",
                         country_origin_iso3c = "ERI",
                         procedureType = "U")
#> Joining with `by = join_by(Year, CountryAsylumCode)`

6. Solutions

Plot Solution Over time

plot_ctr_solution(year = 2021,
                  country_asylum_iso3c= "UGA",
                  lag = 10,
                  sol_type = c("NAT", "RST", "RET", "RDP"))

Plot Solution Over Recognition

plot_ctr_solution_recognition(year = 2022,
                  country_asylum_iso3c= "UGA",
                  lag = 10)
#> `geom_braid()` using method = 'line'


plot share displaced / migrant for world - region - subregion

bar with share

Plot share displaced / migrant for top countries


Plot Ratio Refugee Migrant

plot_ctr_disp_migrant(year = 2022,
                    country_asylum_iso3c = "MEX" ,
                    top_n_countries = 10)

# plot_ctr_disp_migrant(year = 2022,
#                     country_asylum_iso3c = "FRA" )

Refresh package