unhcrdatapackage 0.1.8
- Now separating clearly the data source through
- make it a lot easier for the set up as it avoids the rjava installed with JAVA_HOME env variable required set up.
unhcrdatapackage 0.1.7
Revised the reference to add the new Operation to Country mapping
adding a xaringan template – unhcrdown::html_slides – with the branding to correctly display humanitarian part of fontawesome
Fixing some importFrom and global variales with checkhelper::print_globals()
unhcrdatapackage 0.1.6
Added new plots with Humanitarian font (key figures - and disp vs host)
Added charts to better illustrate forced displacement and migration
Fixed one remaining type in ppt template with move fro VDA to OIP
Added geographic reference to map reported locations at subnational scale
Added intro and conclusion slide to the country ppt to highlight data literacy challenge
Added automatic fall back to previous year data for Mid-year report does not include some of the key information (demographic pyramid and location info…)
changed the package to access the WB API from https://github.com/gshs-ornl/wbstats to https://github.com/vincentarelbundock/WDI
unhcrdatapackage 0.1.5
Update dataset with mid-year 2022 data release (28 Oct 2022)
Created a dedicated function for update_dataset() - see https://github.com/Edouard-Legoupil/unhcrdatapackage/blob/master/dev/flat_full.Rmd
Adjusted new statistical categories - and all related functions - “Host community” = “HCO” - “Other people in need of international protection”=“OIP”
unhcrdatapackage 0.1.4
Update dataset with end-year 2021 data release (16 June 2022)
Small revision to the country to office mapping within the reference
Now using the Fusen package to mainstream documentation and unit testing - see the dev folder to find out
All plots changed from vignette to functions
added Rmd Template to create on the fly Statistical Fact-sheet