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This functions provides a quick access to a basic Statistical Fact sheet template that can be customised according to the needs


template_CtryFactsheet(year = 2022, country_asylum_iso3c, folder = "Report")



Numeric value of the year (for instance 2022)


Character value with the ISO-3 character code of the Country of Asylum


folder within your project where to put the generated report. Folder will be created if it does not exist


nothing the file for the report is generated


## generate for one country
# template_CtryFactsheet(year = 2022, country_asylum_iso3c = "USA",   folder = "Report")

# ## Generate for a specific region
# region <- "Americas"
# year <- 2022
# library(tidyverse)
# ## get all countries with more than 1000 Reported individuals
# ctr <- dplyr::left_join( x= ForcedDisplacementStat::end_year_population_totals_long,
#                                 y= ForcedDisplacementStat::reference,
#                                 by = c("CountryAsylumCode" = "iso_3")) |>
#         filter(Year == year &
#                 UNHCRBureau == region ) |>
#         group_by( CountryAsylumName, CountryAsylumCode   ) |>
#         summarise(Value = sum(Value) ) |>
#         ungroup() |>
#         filter( Value  > 1000 )
# for ( i in (1:nrow(ctr))) {
#     # i <- 1
#     country_asylum_iso3ci = as.character(ctr[i ,2 ])
#     cat(paste0(country_asylum_iso3ci, "\n"))
#     unhcrdatapackage::template_CtryFactsheet(year = 2022, 
#               country_asylum_iso3c = country_asylum_iso3ci,  
#                folder = "Report")  }