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Simple treemap charts to do the comparison


plot_reg_share(year = 2022, region = "Americas", pop_type = "REF")



Numeric value of the year (for instance 2020)


Character value with the related UNHCR bureau - when left null, it will display the whole world


Vector of character values. Possible population type (e.g.: REF, IDP, ASY, OIP, OOC, STA)


plot a ggplot2 object


plot_reg_share(year = 2022,  
                             region = "Americas",
                             pop_type = "REF")
#> Warning: Use of `datatree$Value` is discouraged.
#>  Use `Value` instead.
#> Warning: Use of `datatree$Value` is discouraged.
#>  Use `Value` instead.

plot_reg_share(year = 2022,  
                             region = "Americas",
                             pop_type = "ASY")
#> Warning: Use of `datatree$Value` is discouraged.
#>  Use `Value` instead.
#> Warning: Use of `datatree$Value` is discouraged.
#>  Use `Value` instead.

plot_reg_share(year = 2022,  
                             region = "Americas",
                             pop_type = "OIP")
#> Warning: Use of `datatree$Value` is discouraged.
#>  Use `Value` instead.
#> Warning: Use of `datatree$Value` is discouraged.
#>  Use `Value` instead.

plot_reg_share(year = 2022,  
                             region = "Americas",
                             pop_type = "IDP")
#> Warning: Use of `datatree$Value` is discouraged.
#>  Use `Value` instead.
#> Warning: Use of `datatree$Value` is discouraged.
#>  Use `Value` instead.

plot_reg_share(year = 2022,  
                             region = "Americas",
                             pop_type = "STA")
#> Warning: Use of `datatree$Value` is discouraged.
#>  Use `Value` instead.
#> Warning: Use of `datatree$Value` is discouraged.
#>  Use `Value` instead.