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#> Warning: replacing previous import 'shiny::dataTableOutput' by
#> 'DT::dataTableOutput' when loading 'ActivtityInfoQuality'
#> Warning: replacing previous import 'shiny::renderDataTable' by
#> 'DT::renderDataTable' when loading 'ActivtityInfoQuality'


lookup_dfadmin1 <- fct_read_lookup(type = "admin1")
head(lookup_dfadmin1, 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 4
#>    Country   Admin1                          ISOCode countryadmin1              
#>    <chr>     <chr>                           <chr>   <chr>                      
#>  1 Argentina Buenos Aires                    AR-B    Argentina Buenos Aires     
#>  2 Argentina Catamarca                       AR-K    Argentina Catamarca        
#>  3 Argentina Chaco                           AR-H    Argentina Chaco            
#>  4 Argentina Chubut                          AR-U    Argentina Chubut           
#>  5 Argentina Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires AR-C    Argentina Ciudad Autonoma …
#>  6 Argentina Córdoba                         AR-X    Argentina Córdoba          
#>  7 Argentina Corrientes                      AR-W    Argentina Corrientes       
#>  8 Argentina Entre Ríos                      AR-E    Argentina Entre Ríos       
#>  9 Argentina Formosa                         AR-P    Argentina Formosa          
#> 10 Argentina Jujuy                           AR-Y    Argentina Jujuy

lookup_dfadmin2 <- fct_read_lookup(type = "admin2")
head(lookup_dfadmin2, 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 4
#>    Country   Admin1       Admin2                         admin1and2             
#>    <chr>     <chr>        <chr>                          <chr>                  
#>  1 Argentina Buenos Aires 25 de Mayo (Buenos Aires)      Buenos Aires 25 de May…
#>  2 Argentina Buenos Aires 9 de Julio (Buenos Aires)      Buenos Aires 9 de Juli…
#>  3 Argentina Buenos Aires Adolfo Alsina (Buenos Aires)   Buenos Aires Adolfo Al…
#>  4 Argentina Buenos Aires Adolfo Gonzáles Chaves         Buenos Aires Adolfo Go…
#>  5 Argentina Buenos Aires Alberti                        Buenos Aires Alberti   
#>  6 Argentina Buenos Aires Almirante Brown (Buenos Aires) Buenos Aires Almirante…
#>  7 Argentina Buenos Aires Arrecifes                      Buenos Aires Arrecifes 
#>  8 Argentina Buenos Aires Avellaneda (Buenos Aires)      Buenos Aires Avellaned…
#>  9 Argentina Buenos Aires Ayacucho (Buenos Aires)        Buenos Aires Ayacucho …
#> 10 Argentina Buenos Aires Azul                           Buenos Aires Azul

lookup_dfindicator <- fct_read_lookup(type = "indicator")
head(lookup_dfindicator, 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 5
#>    CODE      Subsector                       Indicator   IndicatorType sectindic
#>    <chr>     <chr>                           <chr>       <chr>         <chr>    
#>  1 RE-CP1    Protection (Child Protection)   # of refug… Direct Assis… Protecti…
#>  2 RE-CP2    Protection (Child Protection)   # of refug… Direct Assis… Protecti…
#>  3 RE-CP3    Protection (Child Protection)   # of indiv… Capacity Bui… Protecti…
#>  4 RE-CP4    Protection (Child Protection)   # of campa… Campaign      Protecti…
#>  5 RE-CSC01  Common Services (Coordination)  # of multi… Other         Common S…
#>  6 RE-CSCO01 Common Services (Communication) # of impre… Other         Common S…
#>  7 RE-CSCO02 Common Services (Communication) # of views… Other         Common S…
#>  8 RE-CSCO03 Common Services (Communication) # of commu… Other         Common S…
#>  9 RE-CSCO04 Common Services (Communication) # of visit… Other         Common S…
#> 10 RE-CSCO05 Common Services (Communication) # of insti… Capacity Bui… Common S…

lookup_dfpartner <- fct_read_lookup(type = "partner")
head(lookup_dfpartner, 10)
#>    AOIDORG                                           Name Type RMlead
#> 1   ORG001                     100% Diversidad y Derechos NNGO   <NA>
#> 2   ORG002                                          ACAPS INGO   <NA>
#> 3   ORG003                                          ACTED INGO   <NA>
#> 4   ORG004                          Action against Hunger INGO   <NA>
#> 5   ORG005                                      ActionAid INGO   <NA>
#> 6   ORG006 Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) INGO   <NA>
#> 7   ORG007                                   AID FOR AIDS INGO   <NA>
#> 8   ORG008               AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) INGO   <NA>
#> 9   ORG009                     Alas de Colibrí Foundation NNGO   <NA>
#> 10  ORG010                          Americares Foundation INGO   <NA>


## Pulling everything... can be long..
df5W <- fct_read_data()
head( df5W, 10)
#>      Country                          Admin1              Admin2
#> 1  Argentina Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires                <NA>
#> 2  Argentina                         Mendoza                <NA>
#> 3  Argentina Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires                <NA>
#> 4  Argentina                           Jujuy Dr. Manuel Belgrano
#> 5  Argentina Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires                <NA>
#> 6  Argentina Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires                <NA>
#> 7  Argentina Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires                <NA>
#> 8  Argentina Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires                <NA>
#> 9  Argentina Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires                <NA>
#> 10 Argentina Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires                <NA>
#>                                     Appealing_org Implementation
#> 1  International Organization for Migration (IOM)            Yes
#> 2  International Organization for Migration (IOM)            Yes
#> 3  International Organization for Migration (IOM)            Yes
#> 4  International Organization for Migration (IOM)            Yes
#> 5  International Organization for Migration (IOM)            Yes
#> 6  International Organization for Migration (IOM)            Yes
#> 7  International Organization for Migration (IOM)            Yes
#> 8  International Organization for Migration (IOM)            Yes
#> 9  International Organization for Migration (IOM)            Yes
#> 10 International Organization for Migration (IOM)            Yes
#>                                          Implementing_partner   Month
#> 1  Argentine Catholic Migration Commission Foundation (FCCAM) 2023-01
#> 2  Argentine Catholic Migration Commission Foundation (FCCAM) 2023-01
#> 3                                Jesuit Migrant Service (JMS) 2023-01
#> 4                                         Red Cross Argentina 2023-01
#> 5                                Jesuit Migrant Service (JMS) 2023-01
#> 6                                Jesuit Migrant Service (JMS) 2023-01
#> 7                     Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association 2023-01
#> 8                     Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association 2023-01
#> 9                     Buenos Aires Psychoanalytic Association 2023-01
#> 10       Association of Venezuelan Psychologists in Argentina 2023-01
#>               Subsector
#> 1  Protection (General)
#> 2  Protection (General)
#> 3  Protection (General)
#> 4               Shelter
#> 5               Shelter
#> 6                Health
#> 7                Health
#> 8                Health
#> 9                Health
#> 10               Health
#>                                                                                         Indicator
#> 1  # of refugees and migrants who received protection-related assistance and specialized services
#> 2  # of refugees and migrants who received protection-related assistance and specialized services
#> 3  # of refugees and migrants who received protection-related assistance and specialized services
#> 4            # of refugees and migrants receiving short-term accommodation support in hotel rooms
#> 5                 # of refugees and migrants receiving short-term rental support (up to 3 months)
#> 6                    # of refugees and migrants benefiting from primary health care consultations
#> 7                    # of refugees and migrants benefiting from primary health care consultations
#> 8                    # of refugees and migrants benefiting from primary health care consultations
#> 9                    # of refugees and migrants benefiting from primary health care consultations
#> 10                   # of refugees and migrants benefiting from primary health care consultations
#>          Activity_Name
#> 1  Fondo de protección
#> 2  Fondo de protección
#> 3       Asesoría legal
#> 4          Alojamiento
#> 5          Alojamiento
#> 6                SMAPS
#> 7                SMAPS
#> 8                SMAPS
#> 9                SMAPS
#> 10               SMAPS
#>                                                               Activity_Description
#> 1                                                              Fondo de protección
#> 2                                                              Fondo de protección
#> 3                                                                   Asesoría legal
#> 4                                      Noches en habitaciones de hotel en frontera
#> 5                                                              Alquiler temporario
#> 6                                                         Breve terapia individual
#> 7                                                             Grupos de contención
#> 8                                                          Psicoterapia individual
#> 9                                                           Psiquiatría individual
#> 10 Actividades de asistencia directa a través de talleres sobre diversas temáticas
#>    RMRPActivity CVA Value Delivery_mechanism Quantity_output Total_monthly
#> 1           Yes  No    NA               <NA>              NA            56
#> 2           Yes  No    NA               <NA>              NA            31
#> 3           Yes  No    NA               <NA>              NA            65
#> 4           Yes  No    NA               <NA>              NA             3
#> 5           Yes  No    NA               <NA>              NA            69
#> 6           Yes  No    NA               <NA>              NA            13
#> 7           Yes  No    NA               <NA>              NA            23
#> 8           Yes  No    NA               <NA>              NA             3
#> 9           Yes  No    NA               <NA>              NA             2
#> 10          Yes  No    NA               <NA>              NA            72
#>    New_beneficiaries IN_DESTINATION IN_TRANSIT Host_Communities PENDULARS
#> 1                 56             56         NA               NA        NA
#> 2                 31             31         NA               NA        NA
#> 3                 65             65         NA               NA        NA
#> 4                  3              3         NA               NA        NA
#> 5                 69             69         NA               NA        NA
#> 6                 13             13         NA               NA        NA
#> 7                  2             23         NA               NA        NA
#> 8                  1              1         NA               NA        NA
#> 9                  2              2         NA               NA        NA
#> 10                72             72         NA               NA        NA
#>    Returnees Girls Boys Women Men Other_under Other_above
#> 1         NA     8   10    22  16          NA          NA
#> 2         NA     5    4    12  10          NA          NA
#> 3         NA    15   13    25  12          NA          NA
#> 4         NA    NA   NA    NA   3          NA          NA
#> 5         NA    16    9    27  17          NA          NA
#> 6         NA    NA    2     8   3          NA          NA
#> 7         NA     2   NA    NA  NA          NA          NA
#> 8         NA    NA   NA    NA   1          NA          NA
#> 9         NA    NA   NA     2  NA          NA          NA
#> 10        NA     3    7    57   5          NA          NA

## testing the filters
df5Wctr <- fct_read_data(filter = "country",
                         value = "Colombia")
head( df5Wctr, 10)
#>     Country             Admin1                  Admin2
#> 1  Colombia          Santander             Bucaramanga
#> 2  Colombia          Atlántico            Barranquilla
#> 3  Colombia          Atlántico            Barranquilla
#> 4  Colombia          Atlántico            Barranquilla
#> 5  Colombia          Atlántico            Barranquilla
#> 6  Colombia          Atlántico            Barranquilla
#> 7  Colombia          Santander             Bucaramanga
#> 8  Colombia Norte de Santander      San José de Cúcuta
#> 9  Colombia Norte de Santander       Villa del Rosario
#> 10 Colombia          Atlántico Santa Lucía (Atlántico)
#>                                                  Appealing_org Implementation
#> 1  United Nations Programme for Human Settlements (UN Habitat)             No
#> 2  United Nations Programme for Human Settlements (UN Habitat)             No
#> 3  United Nations Programme for Human Settlements (UN Habitat)             No
#> 4  United Nations Programme for Human Settlements (UN Habitat)             No
#> 5  United Nations Programme for Human Settlements (UN Habitat)             No
#> 6  United Nations Programme for Human Settlements (UN Habitat)             No
#> 7  United Nations Programme for Human Settlements (UN Habitat)             No
#> 8  United Nations Programme for Human Settlements (UN Habitat)             No
#> 9  United Nations Programme for Human Settlements (UN Habitat)             No
#> 10                                                    Tearfund             No
#>    Implementing_partner   Month                       Subsector
#> 1                  <NA> 2023-01                     Integration
#> 2                  <NA> 2023-01                     Integration
#> 3                  <NA> 2023-01                     Integration
#> 4                  <NA> 2023-01                     Integration
#> 5                  <NA> 2023-01                     Integration
#> 6                  <NA> 2023-01 Common Services (Communication)
#> 7                  <NA> 2023-01 Common Services (Communication)
#> 8                  <NA> 2023-01 Common Services (Communication)
#> 9                  <NA> 2023-01 Common Services (Communication)
#> 10                 <NA> 2023-01                   Food Security
#>                                                                                                                 Indicator
#> 1                                                                       # of people reached by social cohesion activities
#> 2                                                                       # of people reached by social cohesion activities
#> 3                                                                       # of people reached by social cohesion activities
#> 4                                            # of persons capacitated to promote the integration of refugees and migrants
#> 5                                            # of persons capacitated to promote the integration of refugees and migrants
#> 6  # of impressions/views to social media messages against xenophobia and discrimination and awareness-raising activities
#> 7  # of impressions/views to social media messages against xenophobia and discrimination and awareness-raising activities
#> 8  # of impressions/views to social media messages against xenophobia and discrimination and awareness-raising activities
#> 9  # of impressions/views to social media messages against xenophobia and discrimination and awareness-raising activities
#> 10                          # of refugees, migrants and members of affected host communities that receive food assistance
#>                                                                             Activity_Name
#> 1  Implementación de Urbanismo Táctico en la Canaleta y las Escaleras de conexión barrial
#> 2                        Implementación de acciones de urbanismo táctico: plaza escenario
#> 3   Implementación de acciones de urbanismo táctico: adecuación del parque de las cometas
#> 4                                      Laboratorio Urbano para la Integración Territorial
#> 5                                             Placemaking con estudiantes de arquitectura
#> 6                       Visibilidad proyecto Ciudades Incluyentes, Comunidades Solidarias
#> 7                       Visibilidad proyecto Ciudades Incluyentes, Comunidades Solidarias
#> 8                       Visibilidad proyecto Ciudades Incluyentes, Comunidades Solidarias
#> 9                       Visibilidad proyecto Ciudades Incluyentes, Comunidades Solidarias
#> 10                                                                       Comedor infantil
#>                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Activity_Description
#> 1                             Durante 5 días se adecuo un espacio en la canaleta, implementado como Aula Abierta y se mejoraron las escaleras y su entorno, dándole luz para NNA y comunidad en general por medio de Urbanismo Táctico
#> 2                                 Co-construcción de un nuevo espacio público (incluyendo delimitación de andenes) a partir de la construcción de una plaza comunitaria multifuncional en torno al salón comunitario de Villa del Mar.
#> 3                                                                                                                                                            Co-adecuación de mejoras de la cancha de futbol del parque de las cometas
#> 4  Recorridos académicos con estudiantes de arquitectura de la Universidad del Norte, que tienen como propósito facilitar la formulación de planes y proyectos de desarrollo urbano y espacio público para el sector de Villa del Mar.
#> 5                                                Actividad de voluntariado de estudiantes de arquitectura de la Universidad del Norte, que consistió en pintada de espacio público en la plaza escenario y en el parque de las cometas
#> 6                                                                                    Personas alcanzadas con mensajes e instrumentos que promueven la integración de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos con sus comunidades de acogida
#> 7                                                                                    Personas alcanzadas con mensajes e instrumentos que promueven la integración de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos con sus comunidades de acogida
#> 8                                                                                    Personas alcanzadas con mensajes e instrumentos que promueven la integración de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos con sus comunidades de acogida
#> 9                                                                                    Personas alcanzadas con mensajes e instrumentos que promueven la integración de refugiados y migrantes venezolanos con sus comunidades de acogida
#> 10                                                                                           Comedor infantil para niños migrantes y colombianos de comunidad de acogida. Servicio de Lunes a Viernes, almuerzo balanceado y nutritivo
#>    RMRPActivity CVA Value Delivery_mechanism Quantity_output Total_monthly
#> 1           Yes  No    NA               <NA>              20            20
#> 2           Yes  No    NA               <NA>              60            60
#> 3           Yes  No    NA               <NA>              60            60
#> 4           Yes  No    NA               <NA>              35            35
#> 5           Yes  No    NA               <NA>              58            58
#> 6           Yes  No    NA               <NA>             308           308
#> 7           Yes  No    NA               <NA>              74            74
#> 8           Yes  No    NA               <NA>             100           100
#> 9           Yes  No    NA               <NA>              23            23
#> 10           No  No    NA               <NA>             100           100
#>    New_beneficiaries IN_DESTINATION IN_TRANSIT Host_Communities PENDULARS
#> 1                 20             NA         NA               NA        NA
#> 2                 60             NA         NA               NA        NA
#> 3                 60             NA         NA               NA        NA
#> 4                 35             NA         NA               NA        NA
#> 5                 58             NA         NA               NA        NA
#> 6                308             NA         NA               NA        NA
#> 7                 74             NA         NA               NA        NA
#> 8                100             NA         NA               NA        NA
#> 9                 23             NA         NA               NA        NA
#> 10               100            100         NA               NA        NA
#>    Returnees Girls Boys Women Men Other_under Other_above
#> 1         NA    NA   NA    NA  NA          NA          NA
#> 2         NA    NA   NA    NA  NA          NA          NA
#> 3         NA    NA   NA    NA  NA          NA          NA
#> 4         NA    NA   NA    NA  NA          NA          NA
#> 5         NA    NA   NA    NA  NA          NA          NA
#> 6         NA    NA   NA    NA  NA          NA          NA
#> 7         NA    NA   NA    NA  NA          NA          NA
#> 8         NA    NA   NA    NA  NA          NA          NA
#> 9         NA    NA   NA    NA  NA          NA          NA
#> 10        30    NA   20    50  NA          50          NA

df5Wpart <- fct_read_data(filter = "partner",
                         value = "United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)")
head( df5Wpart , 10)
#>      Country                          Admin1 Admin2
#> 1  Argentina Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires   <NA>
#> 2  Argentina                    Buenos Aires   <NA>
#> 3  Argentina                    Buenos Aires   <NA>
#> 4  Argentina                    Buenos Aires   <NA>
#> 5  Argentina                    Buenos Aires   <NA>
#> 6  Argentina                    Buenos Aires   <NA>
#> 7  Argentina Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires   <NA>
#> 8  Argentina Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires   <NA>
#> 9  Argentina                         Córdoba   <NA>
#> 10 Argentina Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires   <NA>
#>                                            Appealing_org Implementation
#> 1  United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)            Yes
#> 2  United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)            Yes
#> 3  United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)            Yes
#> 4  United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)            Yes
#> 5  United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)            Yes
#> 6  United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)            Yes
#> 7  United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)            Yes
#> 8  United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)            Yes
#> 9  United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)            Yes
#> 10 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)            Yes
#>                                      Implementing_partner   Month
#> 1          Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) 2023-01
#> 2          Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) 2023-01
#> 3  Argentine Commission for Refugees and Migrants (CAREF) 2023-01
#> 4                                         Caritas Bolivia 2023-01
#> 5                                                 Mirares 2023-01
#> 6                                                 Mirares 2023-01
#> 7              Servicio Ecuménico para la Dignidad Humana 2023-01
#> 8                             Semillas para la Democracia 2023-01
#> 9                             Semillas para la Democracia 2023-01
#> 10         Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) 2023-02
#>                                         Subsector
#> 1                                         Shelter
#> 2                                     Integration
#> 3  Common Services (Transversal [CwC, PSEA, AAP])
#> 4              Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPC)
#> 5                                     Integration
#> 6  Common Services (Transversal [CwC, PSEA, AAP])
#> 7                                     Integration
#> 8              Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPC)
#> 9                                     Integration
#> 10             Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPC)
#>                                                                                                                                 Indicator
#> 1                                                                         # of refugees and migrants receiving essential households items
#> 2                              # of refugees, migrants & host community members reached with financial inclusion and education activities
#> 3                                      # of individuals accessing two-way communication mechanisms to voice their needs/concerns/feedback
#> 4                                                                     # of individuals benefitting from multipurpose cash transfers (MPC)
#> 5  # of refugees, migrants and host community members receiving support activities/interventions enabling them to access or to keep a job
#> 6                                      # of individuals accessing two-way communication mechanisms to voice their needs/concerns/feedback
#> 7  # of refugees, migrants and host community members receiving support activities/interventions enabling them to access or to keep a job
#> 8                                                                     # of individuals benefitting from multipurpose cash transfers (MPC)
#> 9  # of refugees, migrants and host community members receiving support activities/interventions enabling them to access or to keep a job
#> 10                                                                    # of individuals benefitting from multipurpose cash transfers (MPC)
#>                                                                                                                                                                                Activity_Name
#> 1                                                                                                                                             Entrega de kits de higiene y bebe individuales
#> 2                                                                                                          Asesorías para la inclusión financiera (apertura de cuenta bancaria, CUIT, otros)
#> 3                                                                                                                                 Personas que respondieron la encuesta del Servicio Social.
#> 4                                                                                                                                                                             Entrega de CBI
#> 5                                                                                                                                                           Numero de entrevistas realizadas
#> 6                                                                                                                                                    Numero de mails recibidos y contestados
#> 7  A través de la atención de casos y articulación con el Estado y  OSC se derivará a la población a talleres de búsqueda laboral o espacios de información sobre normas laborales del MTSS.
#> 8                                                                                                                                                       Intervention Humanitaria en Efectivo
#> 9                                                                                                                                           Gente que pidió asesoramiento para buscar empleo
#> 10                                                                                                                           Entrega de CBI en modalidad efectivo y/o transferencia bancaria
#>                                                                                                                                                                         Activity_Description
#> 1                                                                                                                                             Entrega de kits de higiene y bebe individuales
#> 2                                                                                                          Asesorías para la inclusión financiera (apertura de cuenta bancaria, CUIT, otros)
#> 3                                                                                                                                 Personas que respondieron la encuesta del Servicio Social.
#> 4                                                                                                                                                                             Entrega de CBI
#> 5                                                                                                                                                           Numero de entrevistas realizadas
#> 6                                                                                                                                                    Numero de mails recibidos y contestados
#> 7  A través de la atención de casos y articulación con el Estado y  OSC se derivará a la población a talleres de búsqueda laboral o espacios de información sobre normas laborales del MTSS.
#> 8                                                                                                                                                       Intervention Humanitaria en Efectivo
#> 9                                                                                                                                           Gente que pidió asesoramiento para buscar empleo
#> 10                                                                                                                           Entrega de CBI en modalidad efectivo y/o transferencia bancaria
#>    RMRPActivity CVA    Value Delivery_mechanism Quantity_output Total_monthly
#> 1           Yes  No       NA               <NA>              NA           114
#> 2           Yes  No       NA               <NA>              NA             8
#> 3           Yes  No       NA               <NA>              NA            21
#> 4           Yes Yes    16300      Physical cash              NA            33
#> 5           Yes  No       NA               <NA>              NA            20
#> 6           Yes  No       NA               <NA>               6            NA
#> 7           Yes  No       NA               <NA>              NA           318
#> 8           Yes Yes 28000000      Physical cash              NA            41
#> 9           Yes  No       NA               <NA>              NA             1
#> 10          Yes Yes   224000      Physical cash              NA            13
#>    New_beneficiaries IN_DESTINATION IN_TRANSIT Host_Communities PENDULARS
#> 1                 90             17         NA                7        NA
#> 2                  4              4         NA               NA        NA
#> 3                  8             13         NA               NA        NA
#> 4                 33             NA         NA               NA        NA
#> 5                 19              1         NA               NA        NA
#> 6                 NA             NA         NA               NA        NA
#> 7                168            132         NA               18        NA
#> 8                 21             20         NA               NA        NA
#> 9                  1             NA         NA               NA        NA
#> 10                13             NA         NA               NA        NA
#>    Returnees Girls Boys Women Men Other_under Other_above
#> 1         NA    21   27    43  23          NA          NA
#> 2         NA    NA   NA     6   1          NA           1
#> 3         NA    NA   NA    13   8          NA          NA
#> 4         NA     7    8    10   8          NA          NA
#> 5         NA    NA   NA    20  NA          NA          NA
#> 6         NA    NA   NA    NA  NA          NA          NA
#> 7         NA    NA   NA   161 157          NA          NA
#> 8         NA     8    5    16  12          NA          NA
#> 9         NA    NA   NA    NA   1          NA          NA
#> 10        NA     4    3     4   2          NA          NA


lookup_dfadmin1 <- fct_read_lookup(type = "admin1")
lookup_dfadmin2 <- fct_read_lookup(type = "admin2")
lookup_dfpartner <- fct_read_lookup(type = "partner")

lookup_dfindicator <- fct_read_lookup(type = "indicator")

df5Wpart <- fct_read_data(filter = "partner",
    value = "United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)")
resultpart <- fct_error_report(df5Wpart, 
#> Loading required package: ggplot2

## Second example
df5Wctr <- fct_read_data(filter = "country",
                         value = "Peru")
resultctr <- fct_error_report(df5Wctr, 


## Display fixed data 
head(resultctr[["ErrorReportclean"]], 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 38
#>    Country Admin1 Admin2 Appealing_org Implementation Implementing_partner Month
#>    <chr>   <chr>  <chr>  <chr>         <chr>          <chr>                <chr>
#>  1 Peru    Lima   Lima   United Natio… Yes            CEDRO                2023…
#>  2 Peru    Lima   Lima   Internationa… No             NA                   2023…
#>  3 Peru    Lima   Lima   Internationa… No             NA                   2023…
#>  4 Peru    Arequ… Arequ… United Natio… Yes            Encuentros SJS (Ser… 2023…
#>  5 Peru    Piura  Piura  Internationa… No             NA                   2023…
#>  6 Peru    Piura  Piura  Internationa… No             NA                   2023…
#>  7 Peru    Lima   Lima   Internationa… No             NA                   2023…
#>  8 Peru    Cusco  Cusco  Apurimac ETS  No             NA                   2023…
#>  9 Peru    Lima   Lima   United Natio… Yes            Programa de Soporte… 2023…
#> 10 Peru    Arequ… Arequ… Save the Chi… No             NA                   2023…
#> # ℹ 31 more variables: Subsector <chr>, Indicator <chr>, Activity_Name <chr>,
#> #   Activity_Description <chr>, RMRPActivity <chr>, CVA <chr>, Value <dbl>,
#> #   Delivery_mechanism <chr>, Quantity_output <dbl>, Total_monthly <dbl>,
#> #   New_beneficiaries <dbl>, IN_DESTINATION <dbl>, IN_TRANSIT <dbl>,
#> #   Host_Communities <dbl>, Girls <dbl>, Boys <dbl>, Women <dbl>, Men <dbl>,
#> #   Other_under <dbl>, Other_above <dbl>, countryadmin1 <chr>,
#> #   Admin1and2 <chr>, sectorindicator <chr>, IndicatorType <chr>, …


lookup_dfindicator <- fct_read_lookup(type = "indicator")
df5W <- fct_read_data() 

## Check all 6 combinations...

### Combination 1
resultpinsum <- fct_aggregate_data(df5W,
                             proportions = "pin",  
                             totalmodel = "sum"   

head(resultpinsum, 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 23
#>    Platform      Country   Admin1       Month   Subsector Monthly Total Benefi…¹
#>    <chr>         <chr>     <chr>        <chr>   <chr>                      <dbl>
#>  1 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Education                      0
#>  2 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Food Sec…                      0
#>  3 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Health                         0
#>  4 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Humanita…                      0
#>  5 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Integrat…                     28
#>  6 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Multipur…                     33
#>  7 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Nutrition                      0
#>  8 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Protecti…                      0
#>  9 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Protecti…                      0
#> 10 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Protecti…                      0
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​`Monthly Total Beneficiaries`
#> # ℹ 17 more variables: `Monthly CVA Beneficiaries` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Total` <dbl>, `Consolidated In Destination` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated In Transit` <dbl>, `Consolidated Host Communities` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Pendular` <dbl>, `Consolidated Returnees` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Girls` <dbl>, `Consolidated Boys` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Women` <dbl>, `Consolidated Men` <dbl>, …

### Combination 2
resulttargetsum <- fct_aggregate_data(df5W,
                             proportions = "target",  
                             totalmodel = "sum"   

head(resulttargetsum, 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 23
#>    Platform      Country   Admin1       Month   Subsector Monthly Total Benefi…¹
#>    <chr>         <chr>     <chr>        <chr>   <chr>                      <dbl>
#>  1 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Education                      0
#>  2 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Food Sec…                      0
#>  3 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Health                         0
#>  4 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Humanita…                      0
#>  5 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Integrat…                     28
#>  6 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Multipur…                     33
#>  7 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Nutrition                      0
#>  8 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Protecti…                      0
#>  9 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Protecti…                      0
#> 10 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Protecti…                      0
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​`Monthly Total Beneficiaries`
#> # ℹ 17 more variables: `Monthly CVA Beneficiaries` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Total` <dbl>, `Consolidated In Destination` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated In Transit` <dbl>, `Consolidated Host Communities` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Pendular` <dbl>, `Consolidated Returnees` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Girls` <dbl>, `Consolidated Boys` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Women` <dbl>, `Consolidated Men` <dbl>, …

### Combination 3
resultpinmaxsector <- fct_aggregate_data(df5W,
                             proportions = "pin",  
                             totalmodel = "maxsector"   

head(resultpinmaxsector, 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 23
#>    Platform      Country   Admin1       Month   Subsector Monthly Total Benefi…¹
#>    <chr>         <chr>     <chr>        <chr>   <chr>                      <dbl>
#>  1 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Education                      0
#>  2 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Food Sec…                      0
#>  3 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Health                         0
#>  4 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Humanita…                      0
#>  5 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Integrat…                     28
#>  6 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Multipur…                     33
#>  7 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Nutrition                      0
#>  8 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Protecti…                      0
#>  9 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Protecti…                      0
#> 10 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Protecti…                      0
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​`Monthly Total Beneficiaries`
#> # ℹ 17 more variables: `Monthly CVA Beneficiaries` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Total` <dbl>, `Consolidated In Destination` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated In Transit` <dbl>, `Consolidated Host Communities` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Pendular` <dbl>, `Consolidated Returnees` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Girls` <dbl>, `Consolidated Boys` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Women` <dbl>, `Consolidated Men` <dbl>, …

### Combination 4
resulttargetmaxsector<- fct_aggregate_data(df5W,
                             proportions = "target",  
                             totalmodel = "maxsector"   

head(resulttargetmaxsector, 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 23
#>    Platform      Country   Admin1       Month   Subsector Monthly Total Benefi…¹
#>    <chr>         <chr>     <chr>        <chr>   <chr>                      <dbl>
#>  1 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Education                      0
#>  2 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Food Sec…                      0
#>  3 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Health                         0
#>  4 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Humanita…                      0
#>  5 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Integrat…                     28
#>  6 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Multipur…                     33
#>  7 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Nutrition                      0
#>  8 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Protecti…                      0
#>  9 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Protecti…                      0
#> 10 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Protecti…                      0
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​`Monthly Total Beneficiaries`
#> # ℹ 17 more variables: `Monthly CVA Beneficiaries` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Total` <dbl>, `Consolidated In Destination` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated In Transit` <dbl>, `Consolidated Host Communities` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Pendular` <dbl>, `Consolidated Returnees` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Girls` <dbl>, `Consolidated Boys` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Women` <dbl>, `Consolidated Men` <dbl>, …

### Combination 5
resultpinsouthernconemodel <- fct_aggregate_data(df5W,
                             proportions = "pin",  
                             totalmodel = "southernconemodel"   

head(resultpinsouthernconemodel, 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 23
#>    Platform      Country   Admin1       Month   Subsector Monthly Total Benefi…¹
#>    <chr>         <chr>     <chr>        <chr>   <chr>                      <dbl>
#>  1 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Education                      0
#>  2 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Food Sec…                      0
#>  3 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Health                         0
#>  4 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Humanita…                      0
#>  5 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Integrat…                     28
#>  6 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Multipur…                     33
#>  7 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Nutrition                      0
#>  8 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Protecti…                      0
#>  9 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Protecti…                      0
#> 10 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Protecti…                      0
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​`Monthly Total Beneficiaries`
#> # ℹ 17 more variables: `Monthly CVA Beneficiaries` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Total` <dbl>, `Consolidated In Destination` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated In Transit` <dbl>, `Consolidated Host Communities` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Pendular` <dbl>, `Consolidated Returnees` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Girls` <dbl>, `Consolidated Boys` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Women` <dbl>, `Consolidated Men` <dbl>, …

### Combination 6
resulttargetsouthernconemodel <- fct_aggregate_data(df5W,
                             proportions = "target", 
                             totalmodel = "southernconemodel"   

head(resulttargetsouthernconemodel, 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 23
#>    Platform      Country   Admin1       Month   Subsector Monthly Total Benefi…¹
#>    <chr>         <chr>     <chr>        <chr>   <chr>                      <dbl>
#>  1 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Education                      0
#>  2 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Food Sec…                      0
#>  3 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Health                         0
#>  4 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Humanita…                      0
#>  5 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Integrat…                     28
#>  6 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Multipur…                     33
#>  7 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Nutrition                      0
#>  8 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Protecti…                      0
#>  9 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Protecti…                      0
#> 10 Southern Cone Argentina Buenos Aires 2023-01 Protecti…                      0
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​`Monthly Total Beneficiaries`
#> # ℹ 17 more variables: `Monthly CVA Beneficiaries` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Total` <dbl>, `Consolidated In Destination` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated In Transit` <dbl>, `Consolidated Host Communities` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Pendular` <dbl>, `Consolidated Returnees` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Girls` <dbl>, `Consolidated Boys` <dbl>,
#> #   `Consolidated Women` <dbl>, `Consolidated Men` <dbl>, …


# run_app()