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Pull Data From ActivityInfo





of one * dfadmin1 * dfadmin2 * dfindicator * dfpartner


frame with the content of the activity info DB


Note that this function is specific to a specific DB schema - the form to query as well as the columns variable name are hard coded and would need to be adjusted if the DB change

Note also that the function is based on a token stored as an environment variable

# Credentials set up as environment variables -

# token <- "activityinfotoken.." # print(Sys.setenv(ACTIVITYINFOTOKEN = token)) # Sys.getenv("ACTIVITYINFOTOKEN") # rm(token)


lookup_dfadmin1 <- fct_read_lookup(type = "admin1")
head(lookup_dfadmin1, 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 4
#>    Country   Admin1                          ISOCode countryadmin1              
#>    <chr>     <chr>                           <chr>   <chr>                      
#>  1 Argentina Buenos Aires                    AR-B    Argentina Buenos Aires     
#>  2 Argentina Catamarca                       AR-K    Argentina Catamarca        
#>  3 Argentina Chaco                           AR-H    Argentina Chaco            
#>  4 Argentina Chubut                          AR-U    Argentina Chubut           
#>  5 Argentina Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires AR-C    Argentina Ciudad Autonoma …
#>  6 Argentina Córdoba                         AR-X    Argentina Córdoba          
#>  7 Argentina Corrientes                      AR-W    Argentina Corrientes       
#>  8 Argentina Entre Ríos                      AR-E    Argentina Entre Ríos       
#>  9 Argentina Formosa                         AR-P    Argentina Formosa          
#> 10 Argentina Jujuy                           AR-Y    Argentina Jujuy            

lookup_dfadmin2 <- fct_read_lookup(type = "admin2")
head(lookup_dfadmin2, 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 4
#>    Country   Admin1       Admin2                         admin1and2             
#>    <chr>     <chr>        <chr>                          <chr>                  
#>  1 Argentina Buenos Aires 25 de Mayo (Buenos Aires)      Buenos Aires 25 de May…
#>  2 Argentina Buenos Aires 9 de Julio (Buenos Aires)      Buenos Aires 9 de Juli…
#>  3 Argentina Buenos Aires Adolfo Alsina (Buenos Aires)   Buenos Aires Adolfo Al…
#>  4 Argentina Buenos Aires Adolfo Gonzáles Chaves         Buenos Aires Adolfo Go…
#>  5 Argentina Buenos Aires Alberti                        Buenos Aires Alberti   
#>  6 Argentina Buenos Aires Almirante Brown (Buenos Aires) Buenos Aires Almirante…
#>  7 Argentina Buenos Aires Arrecifes                      Buenos Aires Arrecifes 
#>  8 Argentina Buenos Aires Avellaneda (Buenos Aires)      Buenos Aires Avellaned…
#>  9 Argentina Buenos Aires Ayacucho (Buenos Aires)        Buenos Aires Ayacucho …
#> 10 Argentina Buenos Aires Azul                           Buenos Aires Azul      

lookup_dfindicator <- fct_read_lookup(type = "indicator")
head(lookup_dfindicator, 10)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 5
#>    CODE      Subsector                       Indicator   IndicatorType sectindic
#>    <chr>     <chr>                           <chr>       <chr>         <chr>    
#>  1 RE-CP1    Protection (Child Protection)   # of refug… Direct Assis… Protecti…
#>  2 RE-CP2    Protection (Child Protection)   # of refug… Direct Assis… Protecti…
#>  3 RE-CP3    Protection (Child Protection)   # of indiv… Capacity Bui… Protecti…
#>  4 RE-CP4    Protection (Child Protection)   # of campa… Campaign      Protecti…
#>  5 RE-CSC01  Common Services (Coordination)  # of multi… Other         Common S…
#>  6 RE-CSCO01 Common Services (Communication) # of impre… Other         Common S…
#>  7 RE-CSCO02 Common Services (Communication) # of views… Other         Common S…
#>  8 RE-CSCO03 Common Services (Communication) # of commu… Other         Common S…
#>  9 RE-CSCO04 Common Services (Communication) # of visit… Other         Common S…
#> 10 RE-CSCO05 Common Services (Communication) # of insti… Capacity Bui… Common S…

lookup_dfpartner <- fct_read_lookup(type = "partner")
head(lookup_dfpartner, 10)
#>    AOIDORG                                           Name Type RMlead
#> 1   ORG001                     100% Diversidad y Derechos NNGO   <NA>
#> 2   ORG002                                          ACAPS INGO   <NA>
#> 3   ORG003                                          ACTED INGO   <NA>
#> 4   ORG004                          Action against Hunger INGO   <NA>
#> 5   ORG005                                      ActionAid INGO   <NA>
#> 6   ORG006 Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) INGO   <NA>
#> 7   ORG007                                   AID FOR AIDS INGO   <NA>
#> 8   ORG008               AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) INGO   <NA>
#> 9   ORG009                     Alas de Colibrí Foundation NNGO   <NA>
#> 10  ORG010                          Americares Foundation INGO   <NA>