: A Chart Library on Forced Displacement
“Numbers have an important story to tell. They rely on YOU to give them a voice!”
– Stephen Few
The package conveniently bring together a series of predefined plots in order to improve data literacy and facilitate the creation of persuasive data stories. You can also consult directly the Data Storytelling App created from this package.
Each plot is created through a function that provides a recipe that creates a re-usable chart in line with a Divisible Content Strategy. Those functions are then rendered through predefined Report templates for Countries or Regions, generated either as html, PDF or PowerPoint presentations. You may enhance the charts story-telling ability by adjusting the message in the title, highlighting specific parts of the data or adding annotation to ease interpretation or provide more contextual background.
You can consult the default Factsheets for the Americas through that link.
Note, that if only need the data you can use directly {ForcedDisplacementStat}
. You can also explore data through Refugee Data Finder.
This package promotes reproducible approaches.If you are UNHCR Staff and want to learn R, visit UNHCR Learn & Connect- R training. For Designers, convenient versions of each plot in svg format (usable with Illustrator/Inkscape or Indesign/Scribus) can be generated directly with: unhcrthemes::unhcr_save(plot, "plot.svg")
Missing chart
You can submit request for new charts here
Contributions, specifically creation of new functions for the chart library are welcome! Please consult instructions here
The package comes with a shiny Interface available Data Storytelling App
You can also install the package locally to use it. If you are on Windows, you will first need to install Rtools on the top of R and Rstudio in order to install the package locally.
Make sure to have your JAVA_HOME environment variable set up as it will be used for the map generation functions
## you can then run the app locally with