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The R convey library estimates measures of poverty, inequality, and wellbeing. There are two other R libraries covering this subject, vardpoor and laeken, however, only convey integrates seamlessly with the R survey package.

convey is free and open-source software that runs inside the R environment for statistical computing. Anyone can review and propose changes to the source code for this software.


In order to work with the convey library, you will need to have R running on your machine. If you have never used R before, you will need to install that software before convey can be accessed. Check out FlowingData for a concise list of resources for new R users. Once you have R loaded on your machine, you can install..

  • the latest released version from CRAN with
  • the latest development version from github with

In order to know how to cite this package, run citation("convey").

Vignettes: Complex surveys and statistical inference

Please consult the package vignette, where we demonstrate how to measure poverty and income concentration in a population based on microdata collected from a complex survey sample.

Most surveys administered by government agencies or larger research organizations utilize a sampling design that violates the assumption of simple random sampling (SRS), including:

  1. Different units selection probabilities;
  2. Clustering of units;
  3. Stratification of clusters;
  4. Reweighting to compensate for missing values and other adjustments.