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Crunch all variables according to the analysis plan


  datalist = datalist,
  datasource = NULL,
  dico = dico,
  n = 5,
  n_by = 5



An object of the "datalist" class as defined in kobocruncher


name of the data source to display, if set to NULL - then pulls the form_title within the settings of the xlsfor


path to the xlsform file used to collect the data


if not NULL, lumps all levels except for the n most frequent (or least frequent if n < 0) - cf forcats::fct_lump_n()


if not NULL, lumps all levels for the cross tabulation variable except for the n_by most frequent (or least frequent if n < 0) - cf forcats::fct_lump_n()


dico <- kobo_dico( xlsformpath = system.file("sample_xlsform.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )
datalist <- kobo_data(datapath = system.file("data.xlsx", package = "kobocruncher") )

kobo_cruncher(datalist = datalist,
              dico = dico,
              datasource = "a great survey!")
#> Where is the interview taking place
#> `plot_select_one(datalist, dico, "location", datasource = params$datasource, n = 5)` 

#> ------
#> ## Respondant profile
#> What is your country of Origin?
#> `plot_select_one(datalist, dico, "", datasource = params$datasource, n = 5)` 
#> Warning: transformation drops documents
#> Warning: transformation drops documents
#> Warning: transformation drops documents
#> Warning: transformation drops documents
#> Warning: transformation drops documents
#> Warning: transformation drops documents
#> Warning: transformation drops documents
#> Warning: transformation drops documents
#> Warning: transformation drops documents
#> Warning: transformation drops documents

#> What's you occupation?
#>  `plot_text(datalist, dico, "profile.occupation", datasource=params$datasource)` 

#> Why did you left?
#> `plot_select_multiple(datalist, dico, "profile.reason", datasource=params$datasource, n=5)` 

#> What's the size of your household?
#> `plot_integer(datalist, dico, "profile.HHSize", datasource=params$datasource)` 
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

#> Age
#> `plot_integer(datalist, dico, "members.age", datasource=params$datasource)` 
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

#> Sex
#> `plot_select_one(datalist, dico, "", datasource = params$datasource, n = 5)` 