Setting up reproducible data analysis workflow

An emerging profile...

For more, on the "humanitarian data scientist" profile concept, see the article here..

This presentation an induction to a skill (Usage of R statistical language) that can support most of the steps of an analysis workflow.

It contains plenty of links that lead to additional ressources. address new analysis challenges

With Mobile data collection, it's now easy to collect thousends of records for hundreds of variables... For instance, the "Refugees home visit survey"" in Jordan has 700 variables recorded on more than 70,000 observations!

Presentation plan

INTRO: Why using R? Reproducible research, environment installation

PART 1: Set up the software environment Installation of R, Rstudio, Git & Github

PART 2: Manage data Manipulating data

PART 3: Produce graphics Creating graphs

PART 4: Create Maps Mapping with R spatial packages

PART 5: Go further on data mining Advanced Statistical analysis

PART 6: Generate report and presentation Rmarkdown tags

INTRO: A typical analysis path implies:

  1. Associate data with other tables with ACCESS

  2. then explore through graphs and eventually some VBA macros with EXCEL

  3. then mapping with ArcGIS

  4. then write up narratives in WORD

  5. and design a full document with INDESIGN

  6. or create an infographics with ILLUSTRATOR

INTRO: Issues with such workflow

When managing numerous analysis and continuously changing dataset (like household survey), this workflow is not the most effective:

Data are manipulated through "point-and-click" user interfaces!

Data are exported / imported from a software to another (Excel, GIS, Word...) using different formats!

All results (figures, tables) are manually copied/pasted to the final publishing system...

This consumes time and open space for errors...

INTRO: When reviewing the analysis...

INTRO: Enabling a complete analysis workflow

As soon as all steps DATA + ANALYSIS + PLOT + MAP + NARRATIVE are done through series of written command recorded in scripts instead of hundreds of mouse clicks:

Analysis becomes streamlined and reproducible!

A "collaboration mode" is enabled from the begining of the process!

INTRO: From "click" to "script"

Using the right combination of packages, you can integrate all necessary data analysis steps into scripts:

More on reproducible analysis here

INTRO: The Reproducible Research Manisfesto

  1. For every result, keep track of how it was produced

  2. Avoid manual data manipulation steps

  3. Archive the exact versions of all external programs used

  4. Version control all custom scripts

  5. Record all intermediate results, when possible in standardized formats

  6. For analyses that include randomness, note underlying random seeds

  7. Always store raw data behind plots

  8. Generate hierarchical analysis output, allowing layers of increasing detail to be inspected

  9. Connect textual statements to underlying results

  10. Provide public access to scripts, runs, and results

PART 1: Why R?

Engineers tend to use Python over R, but R remains the prefered language of statisticians who needs latest techniques & Algorythm. R can also be compared to proprietary statistical software such as stata or SPSS but has the advantage of being totally free to install & use.

PART 1: "THE" statistical language

R is a programming language and a software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The first version of R has been released in 1997!

The capabilities of R are extended through user-created packages, which allow specialized statistical techniques, graphical devices, import/export capabilities, reporting tools.

A core set of packages is included with the installation of R. More than 5,800 additional packages and 120,000 functions (as of June 2014) are developped and shared by academics and experts.

R is extremely well documented. The best is to learn through experience.. & more than 100,000 questions about R in stackoverflow in addition of the numerous ressources to learn R from scratch as well as other quick intro.

PART 1: Installation of R and its interface

install R then install Rstudio

Rstudio is a graphical user interface to write R scripts. In this tutorial, we will use Rstudio but you can also find alternatives such as Rcommander or DeduceR

Now you can add as many packages as needed from the CRAN repository

PART 1: Collaborate through "version control"

Install Git, Create your account and fork this tutorial

Enable git in Rstudio (Tools>Global Options). You can now load the tutorial (File>New Projet>From Version control) as a project. All your edits will be now under version control!

PART 1: Collaborate: commit, push, pull

You can now manage your R script in git within the project in your account.

Afterwards, you can share back your contribution with the original author via Pull Request

More details on gitworkflow here.

PART 2: Writing commands

When writing commands, it's good to adopt a consistent Coding convention. When writing script, be consistent in your style. When starting a project, to organised files/folders around a consistent logic.

PART 2: Objects & Data elements

Reference link on Manipulating data

PART 2: Vector Example

  numbers = c(23, 13, 5, 7, 31)
  names = c("mohammed", "hussein", "ali")

#Elements are indexed starting at 1, and are accessed with `[]` notation.
    numbers[1] # 23
    names[1] # mohammed

PART 2: Data frames

Data frames

    books = data.frame(
        title = c("harry potter", "war and peace", "lord of the rings"),
        author = c("rowling", "tolstoy", "tolkien"),
        num_pages = c("350", "875", "500")

# you can access columns of a data frame with `$`.
    books$title # c("harry potter", "war and peace", "lord of the rings")
    books$author[1] # "rowling"

#You can also create new columns with `$`.
    books$num_bought_today = c(10, 5, 8)
    books$num_bought_yesterday = c(18, 13, 20)
    books$total_num_bought = books$num_bought_today + books$num_bought_yesterday

PART 2: Load a Data Frame

mydata <- CASchools

# load a data set from csv and assign it to an object called 'mydata'
#mydata <- read.csv("unhcr_mass_comm_db_merged_20140612.csv") 

# first few rows of the dataset

# last few rows

# variable names

# pop-up view of entire data set (uncomment to run)
# View(mydata)

PART 2: Initial Exploration

# dimension of the data frame

# Structure of the data frame of all variables
# this includes the class(type) i.e factor or not

# summary statistics with means for every variable

PART 2: View Data

# single cell value

# omitting row value implies all rows; here all rows in column 3

# omitting column values implies all columns; here all columns in row 2

# can also use ranges - rows 2 and 3, columns 2 and 3
mydata[2:3, 2:3]

# get first 10 rows of variable female using two methods
mydata[1:10, "female"]

# get column 1 for rows 1, 3 and 5
mydata[c(1,3,5), 1]

# get row 1 values for variables female, prog and socst
mydata[1,c("female", "prog", "socst")]

# sort data using the order function.
sorteddata <- mydatad[order(d$id, d$female), ]

PART 2: Data Cleaning

## cleaning Geneder variable encoding
data$gender[data$gender %in%  c("Male", "M", "m")] <- "Male"

# creating a date for sorting
circ$date <- as.Date(circ$date, "%m/%d/%Y") 

Useful String functions

More on cleaning here

PART 2: Subsetting Variables

Often, datasets come with many more variable than we want. We can also use subset to keep only the variables we need.

We can use the select argument to subset by variable rather than by observation.

# select is special, so we do not need to quote the variable names
mydataselect <- subset(mydata, select = c(id, female, read, write))

# the - preceding c(female... , which means drop these variables
mydatadropped <- subset(mydata, select = -c(female, read, write))

PART 2: Merging 2 Data Frames

# LEFT JOIN using different ID
datamerged <- merge(x=data1, y=data2, by.x="id1", by.y="id2", all.x=TRUE )

# RIGHT JOIN using ID who have the same name in both dataframe
datamerged <- merge(x=data1, y=data2, by="id", all.y=TRUE )

# OUTER JOIN using two variables
datamerged <- merge(x=data1, y=data2, by=c("caseid","name"), all=TRUE )

PART 2: Reshaping Data

A common operation is the transformation between wide and long data. This is basically the equivalent of pivot table in Excel or a cross tab query in Access.

The corresponding functions (melt and cast) are in the reshape2 packages is based around two key functions:

install.packages("reshape2") ## install the package in you station - do it only once
library("reshape2") ## load the package in your session

#melt takes wide-format data and melts it into long-format data. <- melt(data, id=c(9), measure=c(12:14))

#cast takes long-format data and casts it into wide-format data. <- dcast(, variable ~ value )

More info here

PART 3: Plot Data

A plot can contain an arbitrary number of layers.

Each layer uses a specific kind of statistic to summarize data, draws a specific kind of geometric object (geom) for each of the (statistically aggregated) data items, and uses a specific kind of position adjustment to deal with geoms that might visually obstruct each other.

Besides a list of layers, a plot also has a coordinate system, scales, and a faceting specification. These three aspects are shared among all layers in the plot.

You can create basic graphs with the core R but the Gplot2 package is the way to produce advanced graphs.

PART 3: Decomposition of a Graphic

The "grammar of graphics" is a conceptual description of all potential graphs. It can be summarized as follows:

-  plot ::= coord scale+ facet? layer+

-  layer ::= data mapping stat geom position?

PART 3: Highly customized plots

With ggplot2, a plot is defined through the following variables:

A layer is then defined as

PART 3: Example for an age pyramid

R cookbook - colors with Gplot2

Gplot2 tutorial

PART 4: Create Maps

Creating maps in R

R offers a large number of packages to deal with spatial data. A really good tutorial is here

## Using the Spatial & GDAL library 

## reading a shapefile and converting it into a 'spatialdataframe
jordanmap <- readOGR (dsn = "data" , layer = "jordan")

## We can now display the map as a plot with core R function

PART 4: Thematic Mapping

One approach is to approach maps as if they were plots and use the same ggplot2 package to produce map.

## to use the spatial dataframe with ggplot2, we need first to 'fortity' it

## then we can simply create the plot

PART 4: Spatial analysis

An interesting application of using R is to retrieve bioclimatic information for winterisation analysis. For instance, we have a list of IDP locations with coordinates for which bioclim variables (such as BIO5 = Max Temperature of Warmest Month, BIO6 = Min Temperature of Coldest Month, BIO10 = Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter, BIO11 = Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter, BIO13 = Precipitation of Wettest Month, BIO19 = Precipitation of Coldest Quarter). Tiles can be downloaded as geotiff

bio5 <- raster("data/shp/bio5_17.tif", native = T)
bio6 <- raster("data/shp/bio6_17.tif", native = T)
bioall <- stack(bio5, bio6)

## Converting the dataframe containing idp site in a spatial dataframe
coordinates(idpsite) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude")

## Extracting now the bio variables for each coordinates
idpsite.bioall <- extract(bioall, masterloc, df = TRUE)

## Then classifying the temperatures in order to get statistics

idpsite.bioall$maxtemp <- as.factor(findCols(classIntervals(idpsite.bioall$bio5_17/10, n = 11, style = "fixed", fixedBreaks = c(-10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55))))

## Renaming categories
idpsite.bioall$maxtemp <- revalue(idpsite.bioall$maxtemp, c(`1` = "-10 to -5°C", `2` = "-5 to 0°C", `3` = "0 to 5°C", `4` = "5 to 10°C", `5` = "10 to 15°C",  `6` = "15 to 20°C", `7` = "20 to 25°C", `8` = "25 to 30°C", `9` = "30 to 35°C", `10` = "35 to 40°C", `11` = "40 to 45°C", `12` = "45 to 50°C", `13` = "50 to 55°C"))

See a practical example here

PART 4: Redistricting

Analytical regionalization (also known as Redisticting or spatially constrained clustering) is a scientific way to decide how to group a large number of geographic areas or points into a smaller number of regions based on similarities in one or more variables (i.e.: refugee numbers, numbers of site, environmental condition, etc.).

An intial point can be to convert point data into polygons that will be then aggregated togehter to form the operational region. A vornoipolygon function can be created. <- voronoipolygons(idpsite,district)
## Let's allocate the right Spatial Reference System Identifier (SRID)
proj4string( <- '+proj=longlat'
## we can now save the out put as a shapefile
writeOGR(vorototal,"out","",driver="ESRI Shapefile", overwrite_layer=TRUE)

An open source library of spatially constrained clustering algorithms is avaialble in Python

# Load/run the main Python script

Creating Voronoi polygons

PART 5: Linear Regression

A regression is used when one is trying to predict the value of a variable using other variables. A simple use case is to observe expenditure per capita through household surveys among a sample of refugees and then to predict the same expenditure per capita on the whole registered refugee population.

## Companion to Applied Regression

## calculate a regression with lm function of the expenditure per capita observed in a sample 
## but using variables recorded through registration. For the regression, variables are converted to binary versions. 
regression <- lm(expenditure.percapita ~
                    gender.male + case.size.2 + case.size.3plus + child.grp2 + child.grp3plus + mar_single + mar_married +  edu.highest.grp1 + edu.highest.grp2, 
               data= sample.householdsurvey)

## analyse the result of the regression:

## Checking the validity of the model - i.e. residuals follow a "normal"

## Now given that the smae exact variable are present in both 'sample.householdsurvey' & 'data.registration'
## we can calculate the predicted expenditure per capita on all registered refugees and assign it in the variable 'prediction' within the data frame 'data.registration'      
data.registration$prediction <- predict(regression, newdata=data.registration)

See a practical example in the VAF project.

More on advanced statistical analysis here.

PART 5: 9 others Common Prediction Algorythms (1/4)

See also presentation of common machine learning algorythm.

Logistic Regression

## Load Train and Test datasets
## Identify feature and response variable(s) and values must be numeric and numpy arrays
x_train <- input_variables_values_training_datasets
y_train <- target_variables_values_training_datasets
x_test <- input_variables_values_test_datasets
x <- cbind(x_train,y_train)
## Train the model using the training sets and check score
logistic <- glm(y_train ~ ., data = x,family='binomial')
## Predict Output
predicted= predict(logistic,x_test)

Decision Tree

x <- cbind(x_train,y_train)
## Grow tree 
fit <- rpart(y_train ~ ., data = x,method="class")
## Predict Output 
predicted= predict(fit,x_test)

PART 5: 9 others Common Prediction Algorythms (2/4)

SVM (Support Vector Machine)

x <- cbind(x_train,y_train)
# Fitting model
fit <-svm(y_train ~ ., data = x)
#Predict Output 
predicted= predict(fit,x_test)

Naive Bayes

x <- cbind(x_train,y_train)
## grow tree 
fit <- rpart(y_train ~ ., data = x,method="class")
## Predict Output 
predicted= predict(fit,x_test)

PART 5: 9 others Common Prediction Algorythm (3/4)

KNN (K- Nearest Neighbors)

x <- cbind(x_train,y_train)
## Fitting model
fit <-knn(y_train ~ ., data = x,k=5)
## Predict Output 
predicted= predict(fit,x_test)


fit <- kmeans(X, 3) # 5 cluster solution

Random Forest

x <- cbind(x_train,y_train)
## Fitting model
fit <- randomForest(Species ~ ., x,ntree=500)
## Predict Output 
predicted= predict(fit,x_test)

PART 5: 9 others Common Prediction Algorythm (4/4)

Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms

pca <- princomp(train, cor = TRUE)
train_reduced  <- predict(pca,train)
test_reduced  <- predict(pca,test)

Gradient Boosting & AdaBoost

x <- cbind(x_train,y_train)
## Fitting model
fitControl <- trainControl( method = "repeatedcv", number = 4, repeats = 4)
fit <- train(y ~ ., data = x, method = "gbm", trControl = fitControl,verbose = FALSE)
predicted= predict(fit,x_test,type= "prob")[,2] 

PART 5: Multivariate Analysis & Clustering

Those techniques are used when trying to analyse together multiple variables in order to define statistical proximity betwene individuals. Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) is used for qualitative data and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used for quantitative data.

## We subset only the variables we want to analyse
registration.subset <- data.registration[,c("gender","case.size","occuation","education","child.num","coolevel1")]
registration.mca = MCA(registration.subset)
## Now we can get a description of the 2 composite descriptive componnent
## Another step is to perform Hierarchical Clustering on Principal Components
res.hcpc = HCPC(registration.mca)
## The description of the resulting clusters is available through the following command

There are various packages to perform MCA, more about this here. The Hierarchical Clustering on Principal Components technique is described here

PART 5: A large choice of packages

PART 6: Generate Reports

From RStudio, create a Rmarkdown file, insert your code chunk and render it to get the output in the requested format.

Have a look at the cheatsheet, a tutorial as well as the docs.

PART 6: Generate Presentation

This can be down using Rmarkdown and the Slidify package or This presentation is generated using R.

## Devtols is required to load packages from Github 

## Then install slidify
install_github("slidify", "ramnathv")
install_github("slidifyLibraries", "ramnathv")

## load the library

## generates a folder where your presentation will be created

## and simply convert Rmardown to html presentation

Alternatively, insert your R visualisation directly in powerpoint

PART 6: Dynamic datavisualisation

Use the Rmaps & Rcharts packages. Those packages provide interface between R and popular Javascript libraries like Crossfilter (multidimensional exploration), d3.js, Polychart, Highchart, (datavisualisation) or Leaflet.js (webmapping).

#Install the libraries

Another options is PlotLy. The advantage is that it's based on ggplot2. Multiple complex plots can also be arranged together in a dashboard.

# Create a graph throughh ggplot2
p <- ggplot(data = d, aes(x = carat, y = price)) +
  geom_point(aes(text = paste("Clarity:", clarity)), size = 4) +
  geom_smooth(aes(colour = cut, fill = cut)) + facet_wrap(~ cut)
# Convert it to an interactive one
(gg <- ggplotly(p))


A personal investment

It takes a bit of time to learn at the begining but it will save you time in the long run!

An opportunity to remain at the edge of current technologies

If you don't move forward, you are likely already moving backward...

To further learn, consult for instance the index of Online R Courses as of October 2015 or start by reading this book.

Some projects

Check this work-in-progress tutorial on HumanitaRian Data Science.

Last food for thought:

Authorship credit is too often absent from corporate and government reports; we should remember that people do things, not agencies, bureaus, departments, divisions.

Beautiful Evidence, Edward Tufte

Use R, share and showcase your projects on github & get them referenced here

