class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Survey Data Analysis with Kobocruncher ] .subtitle[ ## Session 5 - Searching for Association ] .author[ ###
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] .date[ ### Training Content as of 02 November 2023 ] --- ## Significant associations & Chi-square The Chi-square statistic is the primary statistic used for testing the statistical significance of the cross-tabulation table. Chi-square tests determine whether or not the two variables are independent: * If the variables are independent (have no relationship), then the results of the statistical test will be “non-significant” and we are not able to reject the null hypothesis, meaning that we believe there is no relationship between the variables. * If the variables are related, then the results of the statistical test will be “statistically significant” and we can reject the null hypothesis, meaning that we can state that there is some relationship between the variables. --- ## How to interpret correlation tables? Correlation tables only appear if the question has a significant relationship with another indicator. All the answer options for the two questions are seen in the rows and columns and each cell conveys the relationship between the two answer options. Each cell value indicates two characteristics of the relationship: the strength (numeric value) and the direction (- or + sign). The larger the numeric value, the stronger the relationship. --- ## Let's look at an example: a correlogramme .pull-left[ In this example the strongest relationships are identified by the bigger numbers and circles. Choose the strongest or most relevant positive (+) relationship to ease the interpretation. .bg-blue[ For this table, the following interpretation can be made: __“When a person reports that they have witnessed or suffered any incidents (Row ‘Yes’), they are more likely to report that they feel lonely or socially isolated in their current location (Column ‘Strongly Agree’)__. ] ] .pull-right[  ] --- ## Another example <img src="data:image/png;base64,#../../inst/correlation2.png" width="50%" /> --- ## How can I crosstabulate questions within my survey? By default the initial exploration report does not include cross-tabulation as it depends on your data: 1. Open the expanded xlsform 2. set up yes in the `correlation` column for the variables for which you want to check potential correlation --- ## What will you get then? Once you regenerate the chart with this new setting in your analysis plan, you will get a correlogramme for every single questions where an association will be detected. .bg-blue[ This setting will automatically inflate considerably the size of your exploration report. You may save you expanded `xlsform` with a new name and adjust your parameters settings so that you can create multiple exploration report exploring different `disaggregation` options Do not forget, at this stage you are exploring your data so that you can select the final charts you want to include in the presentation for the joint data interpretation session ] --- ## What happenned? The function [kobo_cruncher]( then loop around all the questions. In addition of the default simple tabulations and cross-tabulation, it run the [plot_correlation]( --- class: inverse, center, middle # TIME TO PRACTISE ON YOUR OWN! ### .large[.white[
] **5 minutes! **]
Open your xlsform and fill in the .large[correlation] column, save and knit again your report Do not hesitate to raise your questions in the [ticket system]( or in the chat so the training content can be improved accordingly! --- class: inverse, center, middle ### .large[.white[
] **Let's take a break! **]
__Next session__: [06-Indicator_calculation after reviewing the first iteration of the reports, we can create calculated variable and indicator ](06-Indicator_calculation.html)