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check outliers over the dataset


  uuid_column = "uuid",
  element_name = "checked_dataset",
  kobo_survey = NULL,
  kobo_choices = NULL,
  cols_to_add_cleaning_log = NULL,
  strongness_factor = 3,
  minimum_unique_value_of_variable = NULL,
  remove_choice_multiple = TRUE,
  sm_separator = ".",
  columns_not_to_check = NULL



dataset to be check as a dataframe or a list with the dataframe stored as "checked_dataset"


UUID. Default is uuid


name of the dataset in list


Kobo survey sheet. Default is NULL.


Kobo choices sheet. Default is NULL.


Variables those must be included in the output


Strongness factor define how strong your outliers will be. The default is 3.


Default is NULL, mean this parameter won't be considered. For example 10 means for any variable where number of unique value is less than 10, then the variable won't be considered for outlier checking.


TRUE (default) will remove choice multiple questions from the output.


Separator for choice multiple questions. The default is "."


Columns to exclude from the checks even if they are numeric values.


return a list with the dataset checked stored as checked_dataset and a dataframe with the outliers log


dataset_outlier <- data.frame(
  uuid = paste0("uuid_", 1:100),
  one_value = c(round(runif(90, min = 45, max = 55)), 
                round(runif(5)), round(runif(5, 99, 100))),
  expense = c(sample(200:500, 
                     replace = TRUE, size = 95), 
              c(600, 100, 80, 1020, 1050)),
  income = c(c(60, 0, 80, 1020, 1050), 
                    replace = TRUE, size = 95)),
  yy = c(rep(100, 99), 10)

check_outliers(dataset = dataset_outlier,
               uuid_column = "uuid") |>
#> [1] "checking_one_value"
#> [1] "checking_expense"
#> [1] "checking_income"
#> [1] "checking_yy"
#> |uuid     | one_value| expense| income|  yy|
#> |:--------|---------:|-------:|------:|---:|
#> |uuid_1   |        52|     493|     60| 100|
#> |uuid_2   |        54|     481|      0| 100|
#> |uuid_3   |        52|     301|     80| 100|
#> |uuid_4   |        46|     345|   1020| 100|
#> |uuid_5   |        45|     334|   1050| 100|
#> |uuid_6   |        54|     291|  26745| 100|
#> |uuid_7   |        48|     356|  33039| 100|
#> |uuid_8   |        49|     240|  46348| 100|
#> |uuid_9   |        52|     402|  41300| 100|
#> |uuid_10  |        49|     452|  26168| 100|
#> |uuid_11  |        55|     358|  48669| 100|
#> |uuid_12  |        54|     474|  39139| 100|
#> |uuid_13  |        54|     378|  24139| 100|
#> |uuid_14  |        50|     212|  29721| 100|
#> |uuid_15  |        51|     298|  33614| 100|
#> |uuid_16  |        47|     374|  28146| 100|
#> |uuid_17  |        51|     294|  49733| 100|
#> |uuid_18  |        47|     484|  49323| 100|
#> |uuid_19  |        47|     252|  38004| 100|
#> |uuid_20  |        48|     447|  24262| 100|
#> |uuid_21  |        46|     389|  42262| 100|
#> |uuid_22  |        54|     258|  35281| 100|
#> |uuid_23  |        47|     370|  25840| 100|
#> |uuid_24  |        47|     356|  43295| 100|
#> |uuid_25  |        51|     347|  40482| 100|
#> |uuid_26  |        48|     260|  26899| 100|
#> |uuid_27  |        48|     303|  25093| 100|
#> |uuid_28  |        51|     275|  25310| 100|
#> |uuid_29  |        50|     352|  33109| 100|
#> |uuid_30  |        49|     464|  27606| 100|
#> |uuid_31  |        49|     440|  48220| 100|
#> |uuid_32  |        51|     500|  39080| 100|
#> |uuid_33  |        46|     455|  46805| 100|
#> |uuid_34  |        48|     316|  33885| 100|
#> |uuid_35  |        54|     319|  35508| 100|
#> |uuid_36  |        51|     487|  21745| 100|
#> |uuid_37  |        50|     312|  36469| 100|
#> |uuid_38  |        54|     301|  28567| 100|
#> |uuid_39  |        51|     268|  27697| 100|
#> |uuid_40  |        49|     493|  30667| 100|
#> |uuid_41  |        47|     244|  26243| 100|
#> |uuid_42  |        49|     418|  20572| 100|
#> |uuid_43  |        50|     221|  27488| 100|
#> |uuid_44  |        54|     393|  32131| 100|
#> |uuid_45  |        51|     376|  21886| 100|
#> |uuid_46  |        45|     423|  21910| 100|
#> |uuid_47  |        55|     384|  37576| 100|
#> |uuid_48  |        51|     274|  48702| 100|
#> |uuid_49  |        54|     236|  24046| 100|
#> |uuid_50  |        52|     493|  25600| 100|
#> |uuid_51  |        50|     412|  46541| 100|
#> |uuid_52  |        52|     497|  34092| 100|
#> |uuid_53  |        49|     487|  31383| 100|
#> |uuid_54  |        54|     368|  20056| 100|
#> |uuid_55  |        50|     416|  25855| 100|
#> |uuid_56  |        46|     282|  42760| 100|
#> |uuid_57  |        53|     250|  25162| 100|
#> |uuid_58  |        49|     203|  42320| 100|
#> |uuid_59  |        48|     299|  34478| 100|
#> |uuid_60  |        47|     236|  30256| 100|
#> |uuid_61  |        48|     236|  34236| 100|
#> |uuid_62  |        49|     395|  21488| 100|
#> |uuid_63  |        47|     260|  49727| 100|
#> |uuid_64  |        55|     486|  30918| 100|
#> |uuid_65  |        54|     297|  47621| 100|
#> |uuid_66  |        50|     265|  46476| 100|
#> |uuid_67  |        51|     417|  48774| 100|
#> |uuid_68  |        52|     264|  48889| 100|
#> |uuid_69  |        49|     471|  33197| 100|
#> |uuid_70  |        55|     246|  21526| 100|
#> |uuid_71  |        55|     204|  37606| 100|
#> |uuid_72  |        52|     329|  34349| 100|
#> |uuid_73  |        55|     376|  39134| 100|
#> |uuid_74  |        47|     471|  32686| 100|
#> |uuid_75  |        54|     239|  32775| 100|
#> |uuid_76  |        51|     493|  26015| 100|
#> |uuid_77  |        49|     363|  48343| 100|
#> |uuid_78  |        52|     239|  30559| 100|
#> |uuid_79  |        45|     348|  32333| 100|
#> |uuid_80  |        53|     246|  29938| 100|
#> |uuid_81  |        48|     340|  41108| 100|
#> |uuid_82  |        46|     303|  35980| 100|
#> |uuid_83  |        52|     351|  37547| 100|
#> |uuid_84  |        46|     214|  27684| 100|
#> |uuid_85  |        47|     235|  28778| 100|
#> |uuid_86  |        49|     405|  20704| 100|
#> |uuid_87  |        46|     378|  42268| 100|
#> |uuid_88  |        47|     448|  29114| 100|
#> |uuid_89  |        51|     203|  22802| 100|
#> |uuid_90  |        51|     321|  46274| 100|
#> |uuid_91  |         1|     366|  41396| 100|
#> |uuid_92  |         1|     386|  34163| 100|
#> |uuid_93  |         0|     396|  32013| 100|
#> |uuid_94  |         0|     439|  34298| 100|
#> |uuid_95  |         1|     476|  49465| 100|
#> |uuid_96  |        99|     600|  38727| 100|
#> |uuid_97  |        99|     100|  25660| 100|
#> |uuid_98  |        99|      80|  27429| 100|
#> |uuid_99  |       100|    1020|  21427| 100|
#> |uuid_100 |        99|    1050|  25215|  10|
#> |uuid     |issue                         |question  | old_value|
#> |:--------|:-----------------------------|:---------|---------:|
#> |uuid_91  |outlier (normal distribution) |one_value |         1|
#> |uuid_92  |outlier (normal distribution) |one_value |         1|
#> |uuid_93  |outlier (normal distribution) |one_value |         0|
#> |uuid_94  |outlier (normal distribution) |one_value |         0|
#> |uuid_95  |outlier (normal distribution) |one_value |         1|
#> |uuid_96  |outlier (normal distribution) |one_value |        99|
#> |uuid_97  |outlier (normal distribution) |one_value |        99|
#> |uuid_98  |outlier (normal distribution) |one_value |        99|
#> |uuid_99  |outlier (normal distribution) |one_value |       100|
#> |uuid_100 |outlier (normal distribution) |one_value |        99|
#> |uuid_99  |outlier (normal distribution) |expense   |      1020|
#> |uuid_100 |outlier (normal distribution) |expense   |      1050|
#> |uuid_97  |outlier (log distribution)    |expense   |       100|
#> |uuid_98  |outlier (log distribution)    |expense   |        80|
#> |uuid_1   |outlier (log distribution)    |income    |        60|
#> |uuid_2   |outlier (log distribution)    |income    |         0|
#> |uuid_3   |outlier (log distribution)    |income    |        80|
#> |uuid_100 |outlier (normal distribution) |yy        |        10|