Us the built in template and functions from the package to generate a word version of the xlsform
label_language = NULL,
wpm = 180,
maxmodalities = 7,
resptimeclose = 4,
resptimecondopen = 7,
resptimeopen = 10,
avrgrepeat = 3
- dir
directory where the xlsform is located
- xlsformfile
name of the file for the xlsform
- label_language
language to sue to generate the pretty print
- wpm
word per minute - an average 180 word per minute (per default) required to read loudly the text
- maxmodalities
if more than 7 potential answers for a select question (per default)- then we assume that those modalities will not be read by the enumerator - but rather selected based on an open answer - and not be accounted for the modalities duration estimation
- resptimeclose
an average 4 seconds (per default) for respondent to reply for closed questions
- resptimecondopen
an average of 7 seconds (per default) to reply to conditional text question (accounting for question type of "other, please specify").
- resptimeopen
an average of 10 seconds (per default) to reply to open text question.
- avrgrepeat
In case of repeat questions, an average 3 repeat (per default) is accounted for.