Create a dashboard displaying the number of errors by enumerators
This function display the number of errors made by the enumerator, one graph is generated by enumerator showing for each
- enumeratorID
name of the field where the enumerator ID is stored: string
- reports
reports names generated from the other checks included in this package, be sure when you choose the columns to be included in each report generated that the enumeratorID is selected before including the report as a parameter to this function: list of string(c(report1,report2,...))
- surveyConsent
name of the field in the dataset where the survey consent is stored: string
- consentForValidSurvey
value defined in the kobo form to acknowledge the surveyed person gave his consent: string
result a list that includes: * dst same dataset as the inputed one but with survey marked for deletion if errors are found and delete=TRUE (or NULL) * ret_log list of the errors found (or NULL) * var a list of value (or NULL) * graph graphical representation of the results (or NULL)
# enumeratorID <- "enumerator_id"
# reports <- c( "isInterviewCompleted",
# "isInterviewInTheCorrectSite",
# "isInterviewTooShort",
# "isInterviewTooShortForTheHouseholdSize",
# "isInterviewWithConsent",
# "isSurveyEndBeforeItStarts",
# "isSurveyMadeInTheFuture",
# "isSurveyOnMoreThanADay",
# "isSurveyStartedBeforeTheAssessment",
# "isuniquerespondantIDDuplicated",
# "isuniquerespondantIDMissing")
# result <- enumeratorErrorsSummary(enumeratorID=enumeratorID,ds = ds,
# surveyDate=surveyDate,
# dateFormat=dateFormat,
# surveyConsent=surveyConsent
# reports=reports)
# print(result[["graph"]])