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Measuring data collection quality

Data collection quality monitoring includes 4 different dimensions

  1. Correct set-up of data collection devices
  2. Data collected according the sampling plan
  3. Enumerator rigorous work standards
  4. Enumerator productivity

Ideally the data collection monitoring dashboard should be known to all enumerators so that they are aware of the data quality metrics that will be used to assess the quality of their work and potentially some incentive can be offered for the enumerators performing on the quality metrics (It is good to recall that each records in household survey cost between 15 to 50 USD). Some of those indicators can support some remedial supervision interventions, such as calling individually the enumerator and point some specific issues that were detected.

It is important to prepare high frequency checks (code and instructions), as part of the data quality assurance plan, before before starting with field data collection.

Below are the required configuration and an illustration of those indicators based on a demo dataset included in the package.

Specific variables to be controlled

When it comes to back checks, variables can be divided into the following different categories:

  • Type 1 variables are based on straightforward questions where there is very little possibility of error. For example, age and education. If there is an error in these variables, it means there is a serious problem with enumerator, or with the questions.

  • Type 2 variables are based on questions where a risk of error is possible. For example, questions based on sensitive topics, or questions that involve calculations. If there is an error in these variables, there might be a need to provide further training for enumerators.

  • Type 3 variables are based on questions about the survey instrument, and errors in this case provide feedback which can help improve the survey instrument itself. This is often the case for questions including or other, please specify question type.

Setting up tablet

To ensure constant quality monitoring, especially if tablets are being used by enumerator, the KoboCollect app needs to be configured beforehand by the project manager . Those settings will allow for optimal data quality audit and monitoring

Once you have registered a first tablet, you can configure the other one with QR code –this will save you the time to enter the server configuration through keyboard –

Then go into the account setting (small circle on the top right of the screen),

  • and go to “Form Management” - here you need to do:

    • set up the “Blank Form update mode” to “Exactly match server”

    • Thick the “automatic download”

    • Thick the “Hide old form version”

  • aIn “Form Submission” set up the “auto send” to “Wifi or Cellular” and thick the “Delete after send” to avoid data leakage in case the device would be stolen

  • aIn “Form filling”, thick “Default to finalised” and “show guidance for questions to “yes -always shown”

  • aIn “User and Device identity” - go to “Form Metadata” and set up the “user name” to match the distinct user name you will have allocated for every single data collector you have. As this user name will be associated to the tablet, it might make more sense to user something like “collector1, collector2,…” and so on, so that if the table are associated to new data collection exercise, you can just remap them to the personal name of your collector in an offline spreadsheet. Make sure your xlsform has the correct metadata “username” and “audit” (see ) being set up

  • aNow go back to “Project settings” and set up a single “admin password” for all the tablet – this will be used to prevent users to change all the settings above. Then go to “Access Control / limit user interface” and then to “user settings” - and untick the following:

    • Server

    • Blank Form Update mode

    • Automatic Update Frequency

    • Automatic download

    • Hide old form versions

    • Auto send

    • Delete after send

    • Show guidance for questions

    • Form metadata

Now you can go back to the main screen – you are done with the Tablet Configuration

Process configuration

Loading survey dataset (microdata)

In a production environment, it is possible to connect this a live API (kobotoolbox, ODK , etc.)

load(system.file("sample_dataset.RData", package = "HighFrequencyChecks"))
ds <- sample_dataset

Configuring dates variable…

dates <- c("survey_start","end_survey")
surveyDate <- "survey_date"
## Official date for start of data collection
startDataCollection <- "11/11/2018"
dateFormat <- "%m/%d/%Y"
# start_collection <- "2020-10-05"
# What is the minimum survey duration in minutes (when using all skip logic)?
minimumSurveyDuration <- 30
minimumSurveyDurationByIndividual <- 10
# Standard value
# sdval <- 2
## Related actions...
deleteIsInterviewCompleted <- FALSE
deleteIsSurveyOnMoreThanADay <- FALSE
deleteIsSurveyEndBeforeItStarts <- FALSE
deleteIsSurveyStartedBeforeTheAssessment <- FALSE
deleteIsSurveyMadeInTheFuture <- FALSE
deleteIsInterviewTooShort <- FALSE
deleteIsInterviewTooShortForTheHouseholdSize <- FALSE

Configuring unique ID…

uniqueID <- "X_uuid"
## Related actions
deleteIsUniqueIDMissing <- FALSE
deleteIsUniqueIDDuplicated <- FALSE

Configuring Enumerator

# Variable used to record enumerator identifiers
enumeratorID <- "enumerator_id"
## Related action
enumeratorcheck <- TRUE

Configuring Consent

# Variable recording initial consent
surveyConsent <- "survey_consent"
## Related action
deleteIsInterviewWithConsent <- FALSE

Configuring numeric questions

## Check on numeric variables ####
questionsSurveySmallValues <-c(consent_received.food_security.spend_food=25000,
questionsSurveyBigValues <-c(consent_received.food_security.spend_food=25000,

Configuring categoric questions

otherPattern <- "_other$"
# Variable recording multiples screening questions
questionsEnumeratorIsLazy <- c(consent_received.shelter_nfi.non_food_items=3,

Configuring sampling plan

The sampling plan is defined through the sampling strategy. It includes for each enumerator the sufficient details for the enumerator to reach out to respondent satisfying the sampling target definition (i.e. name, location, phone number)

load(system.file("SampleSize.RData", package = "HighFrequencyChecks"))
sampleSizeTable <- SampleSize
# correction for uppercase/lowercase in the site name 
sampleSizeTable$Union <- tolower(sampleSizeTable$Union)
# name as a string of the field in the sampling frame where the site is stored
sampleSizeTableSite ="Union"
# name as a string of the field in the dataset where the site is stored
dsSite <- "union_name"
# name as a string of the field where the number of points
# generated is stored in the sampling frame
sampleSizeTableAvailable ="TotPts"
# name as a string of the field in the sampling frame where the site is stored
sampleSizeTableTarget ="SS"

Configuring geodata for the surveyed area

Often sampling strategy includes a geographic coverage.

#This can be overview through either:
## a defined polygon, aka area or admin unit
load(system.file("admin.RData", package = "HighFrequencyChecks"))
adminBoundaries <- admin
# correction for uppercase/lowercase in the site name 
ds$union_name <- tolower(ds$union_name)
# Unique key with the survey dataset is changed 
# to all small cap for further join
adminBoundaries$Union <- tolower(adminBoundaries$Union)
# OR a sampling point, around which enumerators are supposed to randomly interview persons.
load(system.file("SamplePts.RData", package = "HighFrequencyChecks"))
sampledPoints <- SamplePts
# Name of variables for geographic coordinates as recorded by data collection device GPS
dsCoordinates <- c("X_gps_reading_longitude","X_gps_reading_latitude")
# Name of location (__matching external geodata__)
dsSite <- "union_name"
#Name of unique key in polygon file
adminBoundariesSite <- "Union"
#Size of the buffer in meters around the assigned data collection location points
buffer <- 10
## related cleaning actions
deleteIsInterviewAtTheSamplePoint <- FALSE
correctIsInterviewInTheCorrectSite <- FALSE

Report Configuration

# Variable to be checked
# reportingcol <- c("enumerator_id","X_uuid")
# formulas as a list of string used to compute the final number 
# of eligible surveys  and the variance from the target
# (C('formula1','formula2')).
# the values/fields available are: done and the ones generated 
# according the survey consent values (one per value)
# formul = c("done-no-not_eligible","done-no-not_eligible-SS")
# column names as a list of string to order the colums in the result
# the columns available are: site, done, final, variance and 
# the ones generated according the survey consent values (one per value)
# colorder = c("site","SS","TotPts","done","not_eligible","no","yes","final","variance")
consentForValidSurvey <- "yes" 

Corrective actions

Correct set-up of data collection devices and encoding of the forms

These checks are designed to ensure that responses are consistent for a particular survey instrument, and that the responses fall within a particular range. For example, checks to ensure that all variables are standardized, and there are no outliers in the data. Share a daily log of such errors, and check if it is an issue with enumerators, in which case there might be a need to re-train enumerators.

Missing data: Are some questions skipped more than others? Are there questions that no respondents answered? This may indicate a programming error.

  • Categorical variables: Are respondents selecting the given categories or are many respondents selecting “None of the above”, or “other”? If conducting a survey, you may want to add categories or modify your existing ones.

  • Too many similar responses: Is there a question where all respondents answer in the same way?

Respondent ID

Respondent IDs: Are there duplicates of your unique identifiers? If so, does the reason why make sense? (e.g., one circumstance in which there may be duplicates of unique IDs is when surveyors have to end and restart an interview.) Are there blank or invalid IDs? This might be a sign your surveyors are not interviewing the correct respondent.

# list_unique_id <- HighFrequencyChecks::isUniqueIDDuplicated(ds,
#                                                             uniqueID,
#                                                             surveyConsent)
# ds <- list_unique_id[[1]]
# if(nrow(list_unique_id[[2]]) > 0){ 
# DT::datatable(list_unique_id[[2]], 
#              caption = "Detected records with errors: Duplicate respondent ID")
# } else {
#   cat(">__No errors__: All records have a unique repondent ID")
# }
# list_missing_id <- HighFrequencyChecks::isUniqueIDMissing(ds,
#                                                   uniqueID,
#                                                   surveyConsent)
# ds <- list_missing_id[[1]] 
# if(nrow(list_missing_id[[2]] ) > 0){ 
# DT::datatable(list_missing_id[[2]], 
#              caption = "Detected records with errors: Missing respondent ID")
# } else {
#   cat(">__No errors__: All records have an ID")
# }
Configuration of dates on device
  • Checking record for which interview that do not end on the same day as they started
# list_date_mistake <- HighFrequencyChecks::isSurveyOnMoreThanADay(ds,
#                                                        surveyConsent,
#                                                        dates)
# ds <- list_date_mistake[[1]]
# if(nrow(list_date_mistake[[2]]) > 0){ 
# DT::datatable(list_date_mistake[[2]], 
#              caption = "Detected records with errors")
# } else {
#   cat(">__No errors__: All interviews ended on the same day as they started")
# }
  • Checking record for which interview ended before they start
# list_date_mistake2 <- HighFrequencyChecks::isSurveyEndBeforeItStarts(ds,
#                                                           surveyConsent,
#                                                           dates)
# #ds <- list_date_mistake2[[1]]
# if(nrow(list_date_mistake2[[2]]) > 0){ 
# DT::datatable(list_date_mistake2[[2]], 
#              caption = "Detected records with errors: interviews ended before they start")
# } else {
#   cat(">__No errors__: All interviews ended before they start")
# }
  • Checking record for which interview tagged in the future
# list_date_mistake3 <- HighFrequencyChecks::isSurveyMadeInTheFuture(ds,
#                                                         surveyConsent,
#                                                         dates)
# #ds <- list_date_mistake3[[1]]
# if(nrow(list_date_mistake3[[2]]) > 0){ 
# DT::datatable(list_date_mistake3[[2]], 
#              caption = "Detected records with errors - date are not in the future")
# } else {
#   cat(">__No errors__: records date are not in the future")
# }

Data collected according the plan

Completed interviews
# list_dateInterviewCompleted <- HighFrequencyChecks::isInterviewCompleted(ds,
#                                          surveyConsent,
#                                          dates)
# ds <- list_dateInterviewCompleted[[1]]
# if(nrow(list_dateInterviewCompleted[[2]]) > 0){ 
# DT::datatable(list_dateInterviewCompleted[[2]], 
#              caption = "Detected records with errors - records withtout end date")
# } else {
#   cat(paste0(">__No errors__: all records have an end date "))
# }
Interviews made before the first day of data collection
# list_date_mistake4 <- HighFrequencyChecks::isSurveyStartedBeforeTheAssessment(ds,
#                                                                    dates,
#                                                                    surveyConsent,
#                                                                    startDataCollection)
# ds <- list_date_mistake4[[1]]
# if(nrow(list_date_mistake4[[2]]) > 0){ 
# DT::datatable(list_date_mistake4[[2]], 
#              caption = "Detected records with errors - records occured after the official beginning of data collection")
# } else {
#   cat(paste0(">__No errors__: all records occured after the official beginning of data collection on ", startDataCollection))
# }
Enumerators who made a survey below 30 minutes
# list_duration_Xmin <- HighFrequencyChecks::isInterviewTooShort(ds,
#                                                     surveyConsent,
#                                                     dates,
#                                                     minimumSurveyDuration)
# ds <- list_duration_Xmin[[1]]
# if(nrow(list_duration_Xmin[[2]]) > 0){ 
# DT::datatable(list_duration_Xmin[[2]], 
#              caption = paste0("Detected records with errors - Interviews duration shorter than ", minimumSurveyDuration))
# } else {
#   cat(paste0(">__No errors__: No interviews duration shorter than ", minimumSurveyDuration))
# }
Recorded site name for each interview matches the name of the location

# list_site <- HighFrequencyChecks::isInterviewInTheCorrectSite(ds,
#                                                               dsSite,
#                                                               dsCoordinates,
#                                                               adminBoundaries,
#                                                               adminBoundariesSite,
#                                                               surveyConsent)
# ds <- list_site[[1]]
# if(nrow(list_site[[2]]) > 0){ 
# DT::datatable(list_site[[2]], 
#              caption = "Detected records with errors - location name not matching with GPS")
# } else {
#   cat(">__No errors__: all records location name not matching with GPS")
# }
Recorded locations for each interview within a 10 meters buffer from a sample point
# list_sitept <- HighFrequencyChecks::isInterviewAtTheSamplePoint(ds,
#                                                             dsCoordinates,
#                                                             sampledPoints,
#                                                             buffer,
#                                                             surveyConsent)
# ds <- list_sitept[[1]]
# if(nrow(list_sitept[[2]]) > 0){ 
# DT::datatable(list_sitept[[2]], 
#              caption = "Detected records with errors - recorded location too far from sampling points")
# } else {
#   cat(">__No errors__: all records location in accpetable distance from sampling points")
# }
Tracking sheet per site

Test for target number: since surveys are submitted in daily waves, keep track of the numbers of surveys submitted and the target number of surveys needed for an area to be completed.

# if(is.null(sampleSizeTable) | nrow(sampleSizeTable)==0 | !{
#     cat("You have not provided a sampling plan.")
#   } else {
#     trackingSheet <- HighFrequencyChecks::assessmentTrackingSheet(ds,
#                                                         dsSite,
#                                                         sampleSizeTable,
#                                                         sampleSizeTableSite,
#                                                         sampleSizeTableTarget,
#                                                         sampleSizeTableAvailable,
#                                                         surveyConsent,
#                                                         consentForValidSurvey)
#     DT::datatable(trackingSheet[[2]], 
#              caption = "trackingSheet")
#   }
# if(is.null(sampleSizeTable) | nrow(sampleSizeTable)==0 | !{
#     cat("You have not provided a sampling plan.")
#   } else {
#     trackingSheet <- HighFrequencyChecks::assessmentTrackingSheet(ds,
#                                                         dsSite,
#                                                         sampleSizeTable,
#                                                         sampleSizeTableSite,
#                                                         sampleSizeTableTarget,
#                                                         sampleSizeTableAvailable,
#                                                         surveyConsent,
#                                                         consentForValidSurvey)
#       print(trackingSheet[[4]])
# }

Pro-active actions

Enumerators rigorous work standards

These are designed to check if data shared by any particular enumerator is significantly different from the data shared by other enumerators. Some parameters to check enumerator performance include percentage of “Don’t know” responses, or average interview duration. In the first case, there might be a need to re-draft the questions, while in the second case, there might be a need to re-train enumerators.

Durations of Interviews

Beware that Interviews with potential errors on the dates are not marked for deletion which can lead to weird duration

# list_dur <- HighFrequencyChecks::assessmentDuration(ds,
#                                                    dates)
# # ds <- dts
# cat("> The total time of data collection is ", list_dur[[1]], " minutes and the average time per survey is ", list_dur[[2]], " minutes")
Responses with outliers

Outliers can be observed when some respondents reporting values drastically higher or lower than the average response. This may require to have these variables to be top or bottom coded. Many outlier checks can be directly programmed into the survey, either to flag responses or bar responses that are outside the acceptable range.

# log_outlier <- HighFrequencyChecks::surveyOutliers(ds, 
#                                                 enumeratorID, 
#                                                 enumeratorCheck=enumeratorcheck)
# if(nrow([[2]])) > 0 ){ 
# DT::datatable(log_outlier[[2]], 
#              caption = paste0("Detected records with errors - Answers with outliers"))
# } 
Numeric value above a certain threshold
# if(is.null(questionsSurveyBigValues) ){
#     cat("You have not indicated the numeric variables to look at")
#   } else {
#     reportlog_big <- HighFrequencyChecks::surveyBigValues(ds,
#                                                     questionsSurveyBigValues,
#                                                     enumeratorID,
#                                                     enumeratorCheck=enumeratorcheck)
#     if(nrow([[2]])) > 0 ){ 
#     DT::datatable(reportlog_big[[2]], 
#                  caption = paste0("Detected records with errors - Numeric values above threshold"))
#     } 
# }
Enumerators who pick up less than a predifined number of answers per specific questions:
# DT::datatable(data.frame(minimumAnswers=questionsEnumeratorIsLazy))
# reportlog_less_X_answers <- HighFrequencyChecks::enumeratorIsLazy(ds,
#                                                  enumeratorID,
#                                                  questionsEnumeratorIsLazy)
# if(nrow([[2]])) > 0 ){ 
# DT::datatable(reportlog_less_X_answers[[2]], 
#              caption = paste0("Detected records with errors - Enumerators who pick up less than a predifined number of answers per specific questions"))
# } 
Check percentage of “don’t know” and refusal responses by the enumerator.
Number of other distinct values (for the questions with a possibility of other)
# reportlog_others_values <- HighFrequencyChecks::surveyOtherValues(ds,
#                                                   otherPattern,
#                                                   enumeratorID,
#                                                   TRUE)
# if(nrow(reportlog_others_values[[2]]) > 0){ 
# DT::datatable(reportlog_others_values[[2]], 
#              caption = paste0("Detected of other distinct values"))
# } 

Enumerator productivity

How many completed interview per day?
# reportlog_productivity <- HighFrequencyChecks::assessmentProductivity(ds,
#                                                        surveyDate,
#                                                        dateFormat,
#                                                        surveyConsent)
# if(nrow(reportlog_productivity[[2]]) > 0){ 
# DT::datatable(reportlog_productivity[[2]], 
#              caption = paste0("Completed interview per day"))
# } 
# reportlog_nb_status <- HighFrequencyChecks::assessmentDailyValidSurveys(ds,
#                                                             surveyDate,
#                                                             dateFormat,
#                                                             surveyConsent)
# if(nrow(reportlog_nb_status[[2]]) > 0){ 
# DT::datatable(reportlog_nb_status[[2]], 
#              caption = paste0("attempted interview per day and obtained consent"))
# } 
# if(!is.null(reportlog_nb_status[4])){
#   print(reportlog_nb_status[[4]])
# }
# reportlog_refusal <- HighFrequencyChecks::enumeratorSurveysConsent(ds,
#                                                          surveyConsent,
#                                                          enumeratorID)
# if(nrow(reportlog_refusal[[2]]) > 0){ 
# DT::datatable(reportlog_refusal[[2]], 
#              caption = paste0("Percentage of survey per consent status by enumerator"))
# } 
Average interview duration by enumerator
# reportlog_duration <- HighFrequencyChecks::enumeratorSurveysDuration(ds,
#                                                           dates,
#                                                           enumeratorID)
# if(nrow(reportlog_duration[[2]]) > 0){ 
# DT::datatable(reportlog_duration[[2]], 
#              caption = paste0("Average interview duration by enumerator"))
# } 
Number of surveys per day by enumerator
# reportlog_nb_survey <- HighFrequencyChecks::enumeratorProductivity(ds,
#                                                        surveyDate,
#                                                        enumeratorID)
# if(nrow(reportlog_nb_survey[[2]]) > 0){ 
# DT::datatable(reportlog_nb_survey[[2]], 
#              caption = paste0("Number of surveys per day by enumerator"))
# } 
Enumerators with productivity significantly different from the average (low or high)

# reportlog_productivity <- HighFrequencyChecks::enumeratorProductivityOutliers(ds,
#                                                                enumeratorID,
#                                                                surveyDate)
# if(nrow(reportlog_productivity[[2]]) > 0){ 
# DT::datatable(reportlog_productivity[[2]], 
#              caption = paste0("Enumerators with productivity significantly different from the average"))
# }